Roberto Boia

There is definitely an issue with morons playing GTA V. Half the heists I join has some idiot that runs into gunfire and dies, requiring everyone else to start the heist. It really needs more single player online content. Maybe some sneak missions.

Beat the last mission on motorcycles the proper way with only random people.

“while Rockstar has continuously updated GTA Online for free”

Seriously tho, the actual heist is fun as fuck but getting people who wanted to play the game instead of make game money was impossible.

The problem I can see with removing it after so long is that so many people have already taken advantage of it, so new players are left at even more of a disadvantage while the players who did exploit it already reaped the benefits. It’s one reason I haven’t bothered trying online at all. I know it will just be a

100% agree. Jennifer Hale did a fantastic job.

Fem Shep is best Shep. I base that statement purely upon Hale’s performance.

Lol na

[Angry retort about SJWs/Safe Spaces to cover up crushed ego that is paper-thin due to living in 4Chan bubble]

Yeeaahh that core concept is fucked...

Was Zarya not already a beautiful waifu?

I appreciate and respect your position on the matter. As a man who was fortunate enough to be born male, the matter of gender vs. sex doesn’t affect me. It is largely this disinterest that make me unconcerned by what pronoun one wishes to go by. I’m afraid that if I cared, I’d be siding with the assholes on this.

You’re going to appeal to human decency, while threatening them with your admin powers?

45 years is extreme for being convicted as a traitor? The purpose it serves is to punish her and to keep other people from leaking classified info.

I’m not sure what to do with this. I sympathize, and know that this hits close to home for you. I will always use preferred pronouns when applicable, but gendered pronouns based on sex are not incorrect. Chelsea is biologically male.

wahhh go back to your safe space

I dunno, being a mess mentally while in the army shouldn’t excuse somebody from releasing what was considered national “secrets”. If you do the crime, you gotta do the time no matter how pointless it is. Even more so if you’re part of any military branch as there’s an expectation that orders will be followed for

Pretty ignorant statement considering there are many, MANY studies that show republicans are far more charitable that liberals.

Guess which “charity” I won’t be supporting anymore.

These violent delights have violent ends...