
I’m all for experimentation, when it’s to bring new, exciting ideas to a series. I’m all for experimentation when its fundamentally shaking up the way a series plays or how the player interacts with it...but this ain’t that. They’re not experimenting with anything here, they’ve just bolted on the same, grindy

First off, I am playing Youngblood solo, and will not be playing it with anyone because it’s a fucking Wolfenstein game. If it’s explicitly designed for co-op, then it should only be playable in co-op. If it was co-op only, If you give me the option to play anything solo, I will play solo. That’s just how I do.


Thoroughly interesting read, thank you Cecilia!

You paid to have them fixed? Oh, no no. They tried to pull that bs with me and by the end I was getting 2 sets of joycons fixed for absolutely free. Tried telling me they were out of warranty lol. I said I don't care. Something should last longer than a year. Be firm and unwavering in what you want next time. You'll

Man, whatever happened to the good old days when Nintendo controllers used to shred players’ thumbs playing Mario Party, and us getting some free condom gloves out of it.

I get it, smoking is bad, quit myself years ago, but this is a bit ridiculous, I mean you’re chainsaw-ing people to death in this game and blasting them with guns. Devs are free to do what they want but I can’t help but find it a bit ludicrous.

Here’s hoping Amofah is found alive and well—and gets the help he needs. It’s not looking good, and dragging that kind of body of water for one person is very much the epitome of needle-in-a-haystack work, but until his whereabouts are confirmed one way or another, all anyone can do is hope he set his stuff down and

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

Honestly, this is the best gaming news I’ve heard all year. So excited!

Okay, but will it have the most important feature of the games: the horrendous Infinity Engine pathfinding? It’s not an authentic Baldur’s Gate experience unless you’re yelling at one of your party members for going the opposite direction from the rest.

Completely disagree, someone could come out of the woodwork for so many different things it’s insane. I don’t want to be playing military simulation games a decade from now where they are so afraid of getting sued they can’t use realistic weapons, vehicles, technology, hell even clothing designs. This just opens up

I’m assuming Forza, Need for Speed et al. have to license their vehicles, so I can bet AM General’s vehicles would largely be the same way. In fact, I recall some of the Battlefield games ran into this for the same reason.

but also one of the points of criticism surrounding the console. “The lineup for Playdate’s first ‘season’ of 12 games and the people who made them are meant to be a surprise, but the roster of exciting creators released to tease us is pretty white, and exclusively male,” wrote Kotaku’s Josh Rivera.

Since you clearly did not read the article, let me reiterate two details that were mentioned therein:

The flower on Venusaur’s back is a Rafflesia, which is locally known as “meat flower” since it smells like rotting flesh. For some reason that’s all I can think of after seeing this

I love FGC tourneys, enough to work in the field even, but I don’t really care for tourney Smash. Smash without items and crazy stages feels like missing the point of Smash.

I’d argue the No Russian mission did exactly what it needed to though. Shocked everyone enough that it warranted a full military invasion of the eastern seaboard by Russian Troops. The whole point was to be awful and shocking.

Call of Duty: MAGA

The 128GB version drops to $19.99 on Amazon all the time...Also I have a 128GB Samsung Evo that I filled to the gills, then replaced last week with the Sandisk 400GB which was on sale for $62, and the Sandisk is actually significantly faster, surprisingly, both on PC and the load times on Switch are noticeably faster

The 128GB version drops to $19.99 on Amazon all the time...Also I have a 128GB Samsung Evo that I filled to the gills