
LOL @ the fact that at least one of those white girls will be gobbling on a black dick when they’re in college.

I’m white and never heard a white baby or an elderly person with Dimensia/etc. say the N word (I’ve had two great-grandmas that have had it), what in the flying fuck are you on fam? Maybe this happens in the southern state you most likely live in, but stop mashing all white people together, it’s ignorant as fuck you

You lost me at Volleyball but thanks dawg.

I’d say your insane but then I remembered the Bulls play in the Eastern Conference (LOL!)

“Mike, aren’t you concerned about your cholesterol?”


You clearly haven’t completely cut the NFL out of your life if you’re here, you fucking butt crumb.

If you’re a NYG fan you probably should just hope for the #1 pick, nah jk you guys will draft a dumb ass and wanna kys.

Where’s Kluwe when we need him?

Translation: Marc, I like black cocks.

Reptilian Elite

Cock Leznarr

I beat off on PornHub during the anthem.

Reptilian Elite gay oath motherfucker.

Soul-less Cuck.

Welp, hopefully Mike Glennon has a big dick at least.

Gymnastics is doing big numbers now, this is where all the NFL boycotter’s are turning to.

Blame all the Facebook Ranting Retards that voted him in.

Let’s face it, America has become what we overthrew in 1776. Feudalism never died, we just called it Democracy and dressed it up real nice. All the rich assholes running this country into the ground could give a fuck because they’re ALL GOOD, it’s time for a serious wake up call.