
This I do not do!

I guess I don't see the humor. I mostly sold new luxury cars, but occasionally I took a used deal, yes. Do you have something you'd like to say?

Exactly. We're not looking for the nice police to take over. Sometimes people are jerks. Geez, today my mother-in-law told me I'm "pleasantly round". She's not a bully, she's an old lady with a big mouth who raised my awesome husband.

AMEN, thank you. I sold cars and so did my husband and dad. We're fine people, if you can believe it. I now volunteer and raise my kids full time. Oh, and I was bullied into oblivion if you see my other comment. Thank you for saying that.

As a person who has been harassed, threatened with bodily harm, and had to move due to internet bullying (written about on this very site) I completely agree.

Yes, somehow this all traces back to being a woman's fault.

They have the most pregnant teens because the girls are less inclined to have abortions. They probably all get pregnant at the same rate, but in more liberal areas abortion doesn't have the same stigma and is easier to obtain.

I was never obese, but I had two children. Skin is skin is skin. I have some, she has some. And no, even if I saw this before having my beautiful girls it wouldn't have given me "motivation" to not endure my life.

I have never worn a watch and rarely look at the clock and my meals are awesome! I just look at things and poke around. I'm a housewife though. I mean a writer. We don't need to catch buses.

I was with you every step of this article until the gleeful, fist-pumping part. There is nothing gleeful or fist-pumpable about a woman in a tragic situation who not only was forced to endure a pregnancy she didn't want due to not having access to abortion care, but then had look at her own dead baby in her yard, AND

I read this as a range of 23 *t0*89. I thought, oh, that's quite a spectrum!

Or she could be a redhead herself?

You've presented a false dichotomy. No, it's not all posing like a Pampers package, but it's not an insanely all-consuming hole either. I think the problem is she's a first time mom. Give her another baby and the kids will occupy each other and we'll start seeing articles about the bizarre sorority of gym moms and the

I don't want to see her go away, I just wish motherhood was presented as a more normal thing on this site. Parenting is just another part of living, but I always get an "I've been lobomotized by this object of my addiction" thing from the parenthood posts.

I just wish we saw more articles about parenting, maybe ones that didn't have such an unhappy vibe. I always get the sense she's really stressed. Don't get me wrong, parenting can be stressful at times (I have two toddlers) but it's not the FRANTIC PULL OF EXISTENTIAL DILEMA PLUS AWWW!!!!! that it comes across in

That's awesome!

Ha, I hung upside down on some monkey bars today and yes, that was the last time I will do that.

I might be the only woman who gets excited about getting older. I felt like hitting 30 was such an accomplishment for some reason, even through technically all I did was not die for 30 years. I'm 32 now and already dreaming and scheming on my goals for 40 (write a book, maintain a blonde bob, if you must know).

Oh yes. Second baby syndrome doesn't end at used shoes and lack of awareness of how many teeth the baby has. The hibernation of friendships is a real bitch. They come back, though. Like little war-torn acorns in the Spring, moms-of-two reemerge to find each other over booze.

So you have never looked at his old emails? My husband and I know each other's passwords too and I'll admit when we first got together I took advantage of that.