
I don't watch other reality shows, but I have a hunch you're right. I liked when one of the older girls wanted company to lose weight, mama's response was, "I like myself the way I am, but I'll do this to support you". I can't think of a better answer to give your daughter who wants to improve her lifestyle through

Me too. Rarely do I burst out laughing on the computer (more of a smirker, myself) but this was hilarious.

"Aesthetically pleasing" in whose eyes? The only reason it might be considered by some to be more aesthetically pleasing is because it's so pervasive in our society. Anyway, you can argue all day but you'll never be able to make me circumcise my son. The end!

Sadly, this was the case with my father-in-law. But oh well, he had a few weeks of discomfort and a whole life of wicked fun behind him instead of a few weeks of discomfort and life with a chopped penis ahead of him. This is my argument with my in-laws on the matter, anyway.

A to the men.

Yup. Right on.


I know so many moms of boys ( I have girls) and no one is doing this anymore. Circumcision is going the way of Chinese foot binding.

I know there has to be something up with semen and cycles because most people I talked to, myself included, noticed our cycles changing slightly when we tried to have babies i.e. started, um, *internalizing* semen. When I first got married my body went haywire. I'd had sex a million times, but never unprotected sex so

I made the mistake of trying to eat my lunch while reading this article. I can no longer choke down food. Thanks.

I'm still not buying that people do this. I've seen *maybe* one picture on the toilet and never barf and I'm FB friends with probably 350+ moms, 400+ parents in total. Much, much more common is the single person mystery relationship rant to the sky and/or the duck face. Where's the app for that?

I'm with you. Yeah, she's great I guess, but I'm not blown away by these pictures by any means.

People break the law all the time. I ran a red light this morning (I was confused in a new part of town and listening to my nav too closely). I was pulled over and luckily given a warning for some reason. Melissa didn't have to tell you her story either.

Right. I thought it was called networking.

Agreed. I just spent 20 minutes on Etsy looking for a long-sleeved lace dress because of that spread!

I agree. The Dolce kids look so sweet and innocently fashionable. I don't see what the big deal is about the parents spending money on their kids. They probably spend way more on themselves. Why should their kids be dressed in Walmart rags when they're encrusted with designer jewels? For what? Principle? I don't agree

The Gucci stuff is tacky, but the Dolce & Gabbana line is so stinkin' cute. AHHH!!! I wish I had $10k to spend on my kids' fall wardrobes. Look at the little turquoise and gold dress and tell me you do not die: http://www.dolcegabbana.com/dg/collection/kids/gallery/

It's not that my husband doesn't love me, it's that I'm not a smokin' hot 25-year-old who never had kids. Oh, and I was assuming the pictures were for me! You know, to gaze longingly at myself for an ego boost? My hubs knows what I look like.

Maybe I could hold a giant pillow across my abdomen like they do in sitcoms when the actresses are secretly pregnant.

I wish I had had the money for and knowledge of this when I got married exactly five years ago today. Two kids later, all the photoshop in the world couldn't get me in a bikini. Maybe I can 'shop a pic of my head on a Vicky C catalog and call it a day?