
And PAINFUL. Oh God, I'd rather give birth than have a tattoo removed. It's absolute blinding pain. There should be a 96 hour waiting period before getting a tattoo because by then, hopefully spring break is over.

If anything, this will cause people to rush to get abortions. If you know you have a 72-hour wait period, an undecided person may get the ball rolling and assume she'll make the final decision later.

That's totally true. If anything that sets people up for getting married just to have their day in the sun, but not thinking about the 50+ years of distinct non-princesshood that awaits.

I said they look like little fans.

Of course they are tacky, but they kind of remind me of little fans. I mean, *I'm* not going to be caught dead doing this, but if someone else did, I might not cringe. It's got a little geisha going for it, no?

Really? I think it comes from parents and friends. I'm an agnostic, so the church and these religious types don't have that sort of pull on me *personally* speaking. I guess if one were religious, they'd be inclined to listen to a clergy person on what they should do, but that's a whole lifestyle and set of beliefs

See, that is sad. You felt pressured and put you in a position to do something you knew wasn't right. I have a friend that happened to as well. She got married because "it was the next step" and she didn't know what else to do. She told me after her divorce that she knew at the altar it was already over.

Well that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.

That's up to you to decide. That's where feminism and choice comes in. Fine, if you can either take marriage or leave it and only want it in the context of meeting prince charming. That's your attitude to choose and it's okay.

I did not say don't exercise "some level of choosiness". OF COURSE every woman should exercise way more than the bare minimum of "some level of choosiness". I didn't say marry the first boy who looks at you in 8th grade.

I have to say, I agree with the sentiment of this article. Look, if you don't want to get married, then fine. Good for you. But if what you *want* is a husband and children, don't be so damn picky and/or put all thought of it out of your mind until you're 30. Ladies, get a life plan early. Tweak it as you go. But

Maybe it's wired into us as a result of our family structure growing up? I am my mother's only daughter and my grandmother's only granddaughter and like you, I feel the clock ticking pretty early. Was that your case as well?

I'm so much happier since having children. There was some anxiety and PPD after the first one was born, but now that I have the little ball of cuddles that is #2 and the confidence of a few years of parenting under my belt, this gig is an absolute joy. I mean it.

The whole thing is nonplussing.

The Fuck Tanning one is really intriguing. Did you hang out with those girls or go as a group, or you were literally the red in the rainbow for only that picture. Did they not find that rude, or was it cool?

Ah, very interesting point. You're right, SBC's schtick is usually making fun of the attitudes whiteys have towards the people he's impersonating. Makes sense, thanks! I do think he's hilarious. And in case anyone cares what my opinion of Ashton Kutcher is, my answer is annoying as hell.

I'm not over the line at all. He's a Jewish actor who makes fun of Jews, so that makes it okay even though the Jews he impersonates are of completely different nationalities and backgrounds from him. It would be like you impersonating lesbians from some other country and walk of life, yet still picking at their, I

So I get that this is bad, but why no equivalent hate for Sasha Baron Cohen's antics? He gets a pass because he's funnier and Jewish?

To be quite honest, it wouldn't have crossed my mind that those are even lesbians. They just look like friends or aunts or something. Is this really that big of a deal (the JC Penny campaign, I mean)?

I have an online pal with a son named Kain. I'll admit, I'm not even religious and I consider it the equivalent of (ahem!) Jezebel. Cain disabled Abel. It's just bad kharma from the beginning. If you like the hard "k" sound, what about Crane, Cade, Cael, Canon (love! power! photography!) or Caleb? Cain is easy on the