
That was my thought. His family is taking care of him and then he writes this? Clearly something is amiss with his mental health. I feel sorry for him.

I wondered if she had had a tip off. Her jitters beforehand and reaction afterward almost seemed like she knew it was coming. Get well soon, Xeni!

You can still get a diamond, but the real conflict-free ones are more expensive. I got engaged in '06 when the movie Blood Diamonds came out, so I was really in tune with the whole uproar. Anyway, if you get diamonds mined in Canada they are fair game and will come with conflict-free papers. Hey, smaller diamond but

I'll bet the reserves asked for that arrangement. Maybe they were the only two who weren't interested in the whole 30 yards, but to be polite were like, "oh, I'll step in if you need anything".

I agree, the playground stuff was a manipulation by the director. "Now sit on the seesaw!" She even said "I'm scared" (of the seesaw) because obviously they aren't normally doing that.

You and I disagree. Eye color has nothing to do with biological urges, propensity toward violence, physical stature nor is it a kink in the problem of modesty. Not all men are tall, heavier than women, or even inclined to have sex with women, but the vast majority are.

What I'm saying is income, scholarships, location etc. and *housing* are factors to consider when choosing a school. If you don't like it, don't go there.

It's your choice to go to school there and to live on campus. You wouldn't pick a pizza restaurant and become indignant they don't serve sushi because that is you first choice.

I agree, I hated my co-ed dorm. Apparently I fell through some crack and was allowed to be on a co-ed dorm as a freshman (usually reserved for upperclassmen). I was physically assaulted by a senior from Jordan who had some different ideas about women. I was a scared freshman, not eager to make waves or further piss

Oh please, like the "six times" rumor is true. There was one going around about me freshman year that I had sex with two guys at so-and-so's party. By Christmas, the story had evolved to ten. Guess how many guys I had sex with at so-and-so's party? Zero.

This reminds me of a time in college I said something (possibly?) offensive to my crazy roommate. She laughed it off but a week later, in an unprecedented act of chumminess, she asked me to proofread her creative writing assignment - one in which she wrote about a character obviously based on me saying the offensive

The one about the bi-polar grandmother is eating at me. My mom is bi-polar and she kicked me out too, except she was my mom and I had no one to collect call. So I was just homeless. (I put myself through college and wound up married in a different state so it turned out just fine in the end I guess.)

Yeah! Not stinky enough! And they better get to stomping' too because I don't wanna see no sexy shufflin'.

I think Gaga has one of those.

Also, no city rats? But they are free!

Right. I'm in Chicago. Roadkill here is flavored with bum urine and comes with a side of bullets.

Up next: booger recipes!

A propose a ban: no thinking thoughts inside your own mind that are smoke-positive. WE WANT A SMOKE FREE WORLD BY 2035! So no stinking thinking, people. It's dangerous.

I can't decide if you're making fun of me, so I'll just hop on my fixie bike and try to balance my enormous natural breasts while my candy necklace blows in the wind.

I did see that, but alas, I wrote my MRA theory before that follow up. Still seems very strange to me, but I suppose coincidences occur.