Why say goodbye to Warren? I’m guessing 0.3% of the population cares about this issue.
Why say goodbye to Warren? I’m guessing 0.3% of the population cares about this issue.
Case in point voters don’t like hard truths:
NYC, LA, San Fran, DC?
This reminds me of the Weather Underground “Day of Rage”, when a bunch of rich kids ripped up Chicago to protest inequality, got their parents to bail them out, and left the poor people to deal with the mess and the cops.
Living in bubbles works both ways. Living in NYC and writing for a liberal blog read mostly by liberals is not going to move the needle. People have to get outside of liberal bubbles to make real progress.
All your solutions target the people that work for the rich, not the rich directly. So you are proposing to make life miserable for middle to lower class workers.
This is the true meaning of “Trickle Down Economics”. The only thing that trickles down from the economic system that exclusively benefits the super rich is the flow of shit. Make their meal at a lavish restaurant unbearable and they will find a new exclusive spot to frequent. The people that truly suffer are the…
lol what are you going to do to “take” their wealth?
This ‘bubble’ phenomenon is at the root of a whole host of issues and directly connected to a whole host of other issues. And history has shown that bubbles like the ones you describe cannot be ‘popped’ peacefully. Those who live in those bubbles will not leave them or allow others in by choice. And they will fight…
Who are these wealthy people specifically? It seems pretty easy to just typecast people as some faceless group, but the reality isn’t usually so cut and dry. This narrative is disorganized and reads like the equivalent of a temper tantrum. Occupy WallStreet was more organized than this accomplished pretty much…
“yell something really cutting but also insightful about the class war.”
I moved to the shore of Lake Erie specifically to get the fuck out of tornado country (I used to live just north of the Tennessee border in Kentucky, and tornadoes were a distinct possibility from about the end of January all the way through September or so; I think we had something on the order of 500 unique tornadic…
I never understood the idea that democrat voters care any more about good faith than republicans do. No other way to explain how avenatti and the krassensteins get popular by saying a lot of bullshit.
Barring evidence emerging that Trump actually supports raising taxes on the rich, there is no case that will convince Senate Republicans to impeach him. This is so obvious that I wondered—is she joking? Is she taking the piss, as my people would say?
Weird because Bernie Sanders would actually have a vote during impeachment procedings.
Yup, any trial in the Senate will be a total sham and the Republicans will win because they have the votes. Then we will get to spend the next year and a half listening to Trump and other Republicans claim that the Senate trial totally exonerated him (just like he is doing with the report that absolutely didn’t…
Dear Libby:
It’s, like, super weird that we haven’t seen the same level of fire and brimstone out of Splinter over Sanders’ lukewarm take on whether or not to impeach...
At the moment, any impeachment trial in the Senate will be given “Kavanaugh rules.” That is, there will be no witnesses or evidence. Each side will get 30 or so minutes to grandstand, followed either immediately or a few days later with a party-line vote.
Maybe, but I would argue that with shoes, for example, Corporate Capitalism already said, “If he dies, he dies,” as far as American workers go. They shifted that shit to Asia.