
We can't either so that's why it's shortened to "Cell" phone. Less syllables than mobile too!


*heart click*

Paul Carr says he'll leave TC if Mike is not allowed to pick his successor.

Right. Through. September is just starting.

Umm.. yea... you're wrong. It's in the article.

This makes me a sad panda.

Oh Gawker.... You guys have mastered the art!

"If it's in the game; it may or may not be in our game."

That's a Whitest Kids U' Know image, right? Am I just crazy?

That person must have fired at an angle, not straight up.

You can't say what the innovations are but yet you know they're new and exciting? That's called marketing. Apple does it very well.

Does this mean I can get one for like 100 bucks now? 'Cause I think I would totally do it.

I don't see the issue either. I've used a Xoom both ways and prefer portrait for browsing/reading the web.

I don't get it. Why don't they just work on the truck from the first floor? How the hell do you get a salt truck up to the third floor anyway? Giant elevator?

You'd be surprised.

The Photographer’s Right

Read carefully. The guy wanted 2 THOUSAND. He could get 200 easy.