
I'm sorry you need to phrase it as a question.

Gameday '98.

Slickdeals is that way ->

"When he dug up an old Finnish paper on adapting the procedure for PTSD, he in 2007 decided to give it a stab."

I don't think that's how irony works.

LIMBO for $2 is a steal. Highly recommended.

Except that Jesus is from Spain. IIRC, he only moved to the US a couple of years ago.

Reduced carpal tunnel?

Thanks for the suggestions.


iPhone app only or is there a PC app too if you don't have an iPhone?

The reviewer works for Rock Paper Shotgun. This was a freelance review for Eurogamer.


Right on, I'll check it out.

You had to be there.

Can't reach the server

And in my experience they didn't pat me down. I refused the backscatter twice and both times I just walked through a metal detector and went on my way.

You're right. I would rather use the Apple alternative.

Yes I fully realize that it's H.W. Bush.