
It's just..... an unoriginal comment. There's a post ~4 below yours that says something similar and I see the same comments on posts here all the time.

How in the hell did you get star....

@Iamnivek: Obama didn't have it, the state of Hawaii did. The President shouldn't have to answer to that kind of nonsense after he's already gone through the proper channels and been "certified", if you will, to be President.

@PCRob: ..and it's from the Amazon Marketplace. The regular Android Market price is still 2.99. No At&t people will be able to get it. i.e. me

@hatmadeofjam: Because that worked out so well for us in Afganistan with the Mujahideen?

@Puns-n-Roses: It doesn't mean there won't be any currency at all just no physical currency. It'll just be all electronic.

Not only that but it has Block written right on the windshield!

Just a slight correction. He told them some of the guards family names (eg., Smith, Jones) not their actual families' names (eg. Sarah, David). Still, that's quite a no-no I think.

haha... me too

Seriously. Doesn't he have a knife at least?

Apology accepted

Gah! Curse you time traveling bread machine!!!!!!!!!!

haha... love that movie

Yes, they should. I'd buy all of them.

@pantsonfireliarliar: They're not claiming it's biodegradable though, right? It's about stopping the use of a finite resource and instead using renewable resources and recycling waste.

I believe this is appropriate.

This ^