Certain Chicago restaurants along the river have these in the late fall/early winter, when they’re a great idea, but they’re not there in the summer. I have no idea why someone would want to dine under an enclosed sheet of plastic in the summer.
Certain Chicago restaurants along the river have these in the late fall/early winter, when they’re a great idea, but they’re not there in the summer. I have no idea why someone would want to dine under an enclosed sheet of plastic in the summer.
It takes an impressive level of stupidity to shout “Build the Wall” at an Indigenous People’s March...
How pedantic. Both the Wetterling and Closs abductions dominated the news cycle on a near daily basis when they happened in the Minneapolis/St. Paul (where I live) news market as that is the nearest major metropolitan area to both abductions.
Just like the anti-vax nutjobs, this is even more infuriating because the victims are the most innocent and without choice. Fuck every single one of these Free Birth idiots. And fuck this whole “natural” movement that’s taking us backwards. Yeah, women used to sometimes give birth alone. But a fucking lot of them…
If it doesn't have the Pete Wentz lookin brother, don't even talk to me.
I can’t explain why I love this Vine so much but I just do. Behold:
Two Bros Chillin’ in a Hot Tub was robbed.
It’s missing “I Coulda Dropped My Croissant,” but I agree.
Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.
*ring ring*
Our immigration laws are the weakest and worst anywhere in the world,
It’s expensive to run a fucking hotel you dumbass nitwit.
Technically, those accounts who share your hobbies could be considered influencers. People just can’t believe it, when they are considered ‘them’.
This is just cruel. This woman just literally put her life on the line for them to have a child, and instead of thanking her, they insult such a private part of her body and show it on TV against her wishes. What assholes.
Nor do they get a pass for being misogynistic when NOT using women’s bodies. The trope of “eww women and vaginas are gross” needs to end.
Listen, gay men: You don’t get to be misogynistic assholes while using women’s bodies for something you want. You don’t get a pass.
You didn’t attend her funeral? So as you say this was a women who you knew since you were toddlers. I assume that means you were pretty good friends. Instead of being there for those two children when they probably need people the most you got on your high horse and road away.