
I wish I knew just how much money they are making off this damn bag (margins must be GREAT) because this is a lot of work H&M

I’m sad for all involved.

I’ve recently started to enjoy when my younger lady friends say unknowingly ignorant things relating to body changes and age but then getting to watch them realize I was right years later.

I don’t really think they ever expected it to be anonymous. This kind of broadcasting of conquest culture is almost always done in order to elevate the ego or profile of the man who is “so good at getting laid”.

While it’s important to highlight these two gentelman for their part, we still have a long way to go to combat the culture that says it’s okay to talk about women like they’re conquests, incapable of equal or just as complex feelings in the public sphere. For every one of these we discover there’s still 20 of them

Admittedly I didn’t read the actual article but my best guess would be the taxes due New York are property taxes.

YES! He literally cannot act. I actually felt bad for his lady while I was watching him ruin the actually really good point she was making with Friends With Kids.

My guess is eczema, I get it like crazy around my eyes and it’s fucking bullshit. Although if I get it in one area I get it on the same area on the other side so maybe not?

Okay, so obviously those dudes who troll in tour groups to Eastern Europe to find “love” *cough subservient women *cough and end up married like 3 days later are totally legit right? There’s nothing wrong with that? At least this shit is completely up front about the fuckery.

He is the cool girl and one of these days he’s going to snap and frame his wife for murder.

Yes exactly!

I like Matt McGorry. I do. I find him entertaining to watch and I do appreciate how apt he is to take a stand and stick with it on social media. But.... there’s this tiny tinge of ...... I don’t know. Like he seems legit on the outside but....

I feel it’s almost as if once they’ve gone through the hard thing - and they’ve scooped as many allies as they can in the process, they think they are done when they are on the “other side’ I genuinely believe that Caitlyn thinks her life is now starting from where it was before, only now she can do it how SHE feels

I’m speaking to her progressiveness as it relates to her transition - not her politics.

I’m always amazed that people are surprised at these things. It’s a story old as time. People who are progressive in a major way in one area (And generally just the one that serves them personally) have the total and complete ability to still be late, bigoted, or straight up clueless in other areas.

I applaud her for her strength - that could not have been an easy time in her life and luckily she was able to bounce back from it. But I feel like her support of this organization that can so hamfistedly paint a woman as a disgrace is not very wise.

It’s absurd

I can’t tell if somewhere Sophia Amoruso is laughing or is proud.

Oh my god I don’t want him to leave.

Try again, I’m a CFO of a media company who is also in charge of new business acquisition and whoever it is - they can wait. I promise you.