
It’s always some Toby Keith motherfucker who won’t accept that a coupon or sale has expired.

Huh. I normally use ‘Toby Keith’ as a slur.

They got Fabio, didn’t they?

Great point... He only likes the right KIND of fame. But since he’s basically a stunted kindergarten bully, he thought he wanted any kind of mega-fame, the more the better; he forgot that the Presidency doesn’t just make you the most famous, but also the most scrutinized, the most criticized, & the most hated. The

What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place. It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation,” Barrack said. “That’s the way this president-elect wanted it.