TIL tho - it’s not like Neverwinter Online ever clarified what a rimefire monster was :)
TIL tho - it’s not like Neverwinter Online ever clarified what a rimefire monster was :)
Rob Liefield is involved? Are Josh Brolin’s feet ok?
There are definitely some places where it could’ve been clearer(did both Aarons have to be dressed so similarly during their fight??) but I don’t think anything more needs to be charted or really delved into once you’re shown the significance of Aaron’s earpiece and watch the movie again. The details of those charts…
Vaan, and by extension, Penelo, are the worst. the worst.
Just wanted to report that I got automatically timed out in chat for saying “CRINGE.”
one day Lena Dunham will go away. This will be a fine day, but for what will replace her.
Hopefully the next generation’s remasters will find some way to restore the original plot (No Vaan/Penelo) (I know this is not going to happen)
the chances are a silmarillion to one!
it remains disheartening to see posts from people who think ME didn’t die with the 3rd installment, or that Bioware didn’t die once they were acquired. How many times will you fall for these kinds of tricks?
this is the hot take i was looking for
We should strive to be inclusive and welcoming, not tear people down. Especially a guy who’s lost a few rounds and is being a good sport about it, and has previously given back to the sport and community.
the horror that this shirt isn’t a stunt
Hopefully the setting won’t be as antiseptic and ultimately irrelevant as PoE 1
I searched far and wide and somehow there were no memes for this game that made the Tower of Barbs out of the character from Stranger Things
i understood this reference
would pay big for Captain Planet DLC
How is -ism not -ism? When it’s done by an oppressed minority! Folks, we can’t carry on under the banner of hypocrisy. We are eating ourselves.
Sweet deal! How much will Blizzard be donating to fight breast cancer in the name of the runners? Sure would hate for this to be an empty publicity stunt!
If you’d read the cycle, you’d know that this is perfectly in line with The Dark Tower.