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Obligatory post of one of my favorite prank calls.

“He, who is both man and DIVINE”

Even people who don’t like the game can’t deny it’s technical brilliance. You can say with total objectivity that it is one of the most ambitious games of all times, and successful in accomplishing what it sets out to do. It’s something that years from now people will be studying in game development classes.

If they wanted to make a better juicer, all they needed to do was concentrate.

“after refusing to violate hospital policy”

Now playing

It’ll be that beyblade-esque abomination from Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass.

Well, we didn’t start the fire.

who is Ted the cat

He’s like the Kinja of presidents: Ugly by design, never wants to work and is preoccupied with making everything a white space.

And so the influx of Destiny 2 rumors post launch begins. Its going to be a wild 2-3 years.

really - its just water under the bridge at this point

It’s Chef from South Park.

Misty looks terrible! The rest I could deal with, but having grown up as a kid in the 90s, doing that to my first cartoon-crush is downright criminal.

Brock used to be built like a graveler, but now he’s barely a sudowoodo. He looks scrawny, yet pudgy. If he wasn’t still the tallest, he could almost pass for a machop.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Here is the original version of the Night King but they decided against it.

So the Night King is an Analrapist?