
True story here.

When people ask about my personal life I vomit uncomfortably personal details, in an overly cheerful way while drawing out vowels out ala Dr. Cox, right at the person who asked.

But assholes have a purpose and can also be used for fun...

Yeah, you realize banning that subbredit is just feeding his base, right?

I would throw P.T. up there too.

Actually, pragmatically it makes more sense to give them the death penalty over life since life means we are stuck paying taxes for their long sentences. This is bad unless you believe in crime and punishment as specifically an economic opportunity to be exploited.

Amateur. You’re supposed to punch your own thigh to reinforce that fucking up = pain.

Barb was a coward who got killed by her inability to shotgun a beer, overrated as fuck.

I’m not even sure i want to live in this country anymore...

Honestly? Because it’s not about the knives, it’s about racism.

They just have a different definition of “values”

Ok dipshit, you keep being a dense, uneducated, reflexive moron. Enjoy your president and country.

Not entirely sure. Some form of institutionalized rehabilitation? Certainly not general population, all you learn there is how become worse. Some sort of institutionalized, intensive rehabilitation is my best guess.

I’m a green card holding Costa Rican you ignorant fuckface.

Rule #1: the whites love virtue signaling.

My dumbass argument is that prison doesn’t benefit anyone. My dumbass argument is that “jail them and throw away the key” does nothing but feed the prison complex. My dumbass argument is that YOUR idiotic, self-centered mentality and lack of critical thinking leaves you sounding like the curse spewing fucktard of a

Certainly makes me remember that time I got slapped in the face by my then girlfriend because I would have sex with her while wasted in her best friend’s bathroom.

General population won’t fix anything either. Extending to corporal punishment won’t either and I can’t condone the death penalty.

My first year of high school I attended a private catholic school. That year a group of juniors decided to throw a frozen turkey over an overpass and it landed on an older lady’s head. She was in a coma for a while, forgave them when she woke from the coma.

Trigger discipline doesn’t protect the public from racist ideology tho.