
Sorry to offend you but I found out recently that fidget spinners were originally mean to help people with autism. A lot of people who actually own and use them don’t know this.

Did you know 2 in every 45 presidents have dementia?

This fidget spinner fad makes me think theres a fuck ton of people are on the autism spectrum and don’t know it.

But posting it online seems kinda disrespectful to the dead

Well, thanks! Now I’m certainly going to hell!

Samuel L. Jackson is NOT gonna be happy

Because special snowflakes

Every pet is an “emotional support” pet. Snowflakes need to stop being entitled and learn to leave their dogs out of planes or at least least muzzle them. Damn snowflakes...

I mean, doesn’t every pet provide “emotional support”.

Of course the dog was racist.

He said with absolutely zero proof, logic or though. Good job!

Makes you wonder if the owner insisted his dog be allowed on like that.

Yeah but think about all the money he saves with geico!

Fastest and most efficient. And I meant the Russian kid they posted in the comments.

Is there a length limit to what you can type out?

Well, considering that parkour refers to moving from point A to point B as quickly and easily as possible i’d say he’s actually doing it right. The Russians kid is more of an athletic twirler.

You seem to have misspelled ‘hideous’.

Well, clearly Nintendo disagrees. Sorry, but they can do that.

And that’s their own decisions to make. Because they get to run their own company. If you’d like them to change their minds you should make it appealing for Nintendo to do whatever it is you prefer.

It’s their game, how they decide to support it is up to them. If partnering up with the smash e-sports scene were a financially savvy decision I’m sure Nintendo would already have been trying to get in on it. At the end of the day it’s their game, their choice. If someone wants to change Nintendo’s decision and want