
This is a great sci-fi movie and never needs remade - ever!

My $US0.02 on this. Feel free to villify me.

Annalee, you're a little quick to jump on the Ed Snowden bandwagon. We have no idea yet if Ed Snowden is "an important whistleblower who changed America."

Well of COURSE the planet will be fine. The key part here is, "we may not." And I would say, we won't. And fair enough - saying Global Warming Deniers is quite trollish of me, but then again, I have met people who deny it's happening at all. Not just those who deny that humans are helping it along - but those who

Sometimes it sucks knowing what's going to happen. But! at the same time my wife and I were anticipating this episode so....WE CAN SEE EVERYBODY'S REACTIONS (insert maniacal laughter). Oh wow. Well, anticipating next week's aftermath of the 9th episode.
Anybody else notice that? 9th episode is brutal or game changing

Out of the Silent Planet. Great when it came out, great when I read it fifteen years ago, and still great now.


Aside from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, by Heinlein...

I still love Armor. It was one of my first ventures into written Sci-fi. I can also reread 1984 and Battlefield Earth over and over.

Still holds up for me. Good science, good fiction.

My favourite Heinlein book of all: "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". Much better than "Stranger in a Strange Land" on all points, IMO.

Not sure if this counts, as it's readily accessible to the public, but I've always been fond of the Grand Central whispering gallery, which is underneath the main concourse near the Oyster Bar restaurant. If you stand in one corner and talk softly, the sound waves travel along the ceiling and someone standing in the

Generally when I am having an online discussion and someone accuses me of 'trolling' for no other apparent reason than that they disagree with me, I tend to assume the other person is a moron who I am wasting my time trying to talk to.

"Witness the overwhelming consensus on climate change amongst scientists— 97 percent agreement that global warming is real and caused by humans."

Have you ever read Michael Crichton's essay on consensus science? And I love how the more descriptive term "anthropogenic global warming" has become the consensus-friendly "climate change." The trouble is that *change* is what climate *does.* Climate has been changing (for better or worse) since the creation of the

It's also tautological: fitness is defined by survival, so naturally the fittest survive.