
Yeah, because children are only ever afraid of things for totally rational reasons.

This must be why it's so hard for us single straight men to find committed partners.

Sounds like this all can only end one way: Metalocalypse.

Well then why bother reading the comments, really?

I remember reading something much like this a few years back which speculated that if Jesus really existed and had offspring, the odds are pretty decent we'd all be related to him. It was probably tied in with all the "da Vinci Code" hype, I'm guessing.

Actually yeah, it probably blows a lot more than it sucks. I'm in the Big Horn Basin and the wind here can be awful.

Having lived in Wyoming for the past two years, I can tell you first hand it definitely feels like its own separate continent at times.

So in other words, the gullible among us are about to go from believing "no one has ever really walked on the Moon" to "more people have walked on the Moon than we thought, and the last two were attacked by Russian zombies (or something.)" Great.

Forget the bigger exhaust plume - somebody get some nads on this shuttle!

Interesting first choice - one recalls how, in the first Jurassic Park novel, Dr. Hammond's very first cloning project was a pygmy elephant he kept in a cage. (Esther, are you secretly Zombie Michael Crichton?)

And now somebody's won the Mega Millions by playing Hurley's numbers.

I guess there's only one piece of advice to be drawn here by those of us responsible for solving climate change: Must go faster.

I thought it was simply that we hominids killed and ate all the megafauna?

@JudasAsparagus: "They'd be crazy to follow you, wouldn't they?"

When Voldemort is in charge, everyone must have facial hair.

In a similar lobe (heh), here is something Neil Tyson tweet-linked a while back: "an estimate of the number of Shakespeare's atoms in every living human being." It, too, may surprise you.

So is there some unwritten rule at Fox that only actors with Welsh-sounding names can play Reed Richards? If there is may I nominate Michael Sheen, who actually is Welsh despite an American sounding moniker?

I'm reminded of something from a book I've been reading, a story about an English lord who financed a new gallery for the "Elgin marbles" that opened sometime in the 1920s. While refurbishing the Greek sculptures, he was so fixated on their "whiteness" being essential to their value that he had workers scrub and

@totallymatt: Is it only that recently? Or is there a specific historical reference here that I'm not getting?