
It's not too often one gets to read so many insightful and amusing comments (with a sci fi twist) written by the likes of Classics majors. Cool!

@Nixorbo: It even makes sense - fish were the one kind of meat the Greeks had available that they could distribute liberally, due to sacrificial considerations. (I just read that somewhere yesterday. It does not explain, however, why they did not simply eat the dolphins.)

Sigur Ros was an absolutely perfect musical choice.

@LolaInSlacks: Somehow the Betty Draper character seems to fit her perfectly as an actress. But yeah, I can't see her acting anywhere close to that well in anything else. She was absolutely dreadful as guest host on SNL.

@sephycloneno15: As long as they don't have planetary-inertia-stealing spools of yarn we should be okay.

Bravo. Nice work, Braak!

@Roklimber: Not so loud - he's napping and he can hear your wondering.

Awesomeness. Can't wait to see.

And I don't think they ever managed to do 3D with magnetic tape.

@Serge.: "Dammit, I'm a sexy doctor, not a sexy scientist!"

Loved the Bender/Hermes episode, and I'm glad it's sounding like this level of quality won't be letting up. Looking forward to "Anthology of Interest III" as well.

@Jo: Exactly my thinking.

@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: Yeah. I haven't heard the full rant but from your other comments it sounds like it got a lot worse.

I would be remiss if I didn't point this out. Vulture recently posted a mash-up of the trailer for the original "What Women Want" with snippets from the recently released phone recordings in place of Mel's dialogue. A surreal, disturbing, and dimly sardonic view of that most spectacular train-wreck of a movie

@ProfessorSara: Ha! Well, thanks - that makes me feel better :)

It's about time someone did this. I was almost convinced that low-res photography and grainy video footage were NASA's m.o. for covering up their elaborate web of hoaxes. Now I'm a believer - Thanks, Nikon!

@ManchuCandidate: In space, no one can hear you complain about your perpetually moving subject.