
Nice bit of work, although Lady appears to have some pretty big stompers. I guess that's to be expected in strange women who lie about in ponds - helps them paddle the heavy weaponry to the surface to perform the absurd aquatic ceremony.

In the 70s they needed electrodes and a fancy brain computer. Nowadays they'd just use 4chan.

@AngriestGeek: Wow. For what appears to be an actual movie poster from the 80s or 90s, that's surprisingly appropriate. Not to mention Nolan-esque

"Inception? That's like some rip-off of Baby Mama, right?"

@txtphile: I've noticed in the past few weeks that Chris Nolan has an unusual predilection for erstwhile child actors. JGL, DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Maggie Gyllenhall - the list goes on. It's kinda fascinating.

@Damn_Your_Sudden_But_Inevitabl...: Who was that God person, anyway?

@Daveinva: Oop, false alarm. It was just another particle wearing the same pattern shirt.

Getting down with my cynical self, I'm gonna call the mainstream media headlines right now: "Proof that God Exists Found by Scientists!"

@Chris Braak: No, babies are better than monkeys for several reasons. For one they're not yammering away in sign language all the time. Most of them don't even know the English language!

Some fine sleuthing you've done there, Annalee. I was a bit concerned by the non-story for a day or so last week, that is until I did my own homework and actually read the Gregory Ryskin paper which you linked to. The hypothesis it makes (elements of which are already quite spurious) and the claims made in the Helium

Why couldn't Gaiman have included Dream in his "Whatever Happened" Batman arc? That would've rocked the toast, not to mention provided a potentially awesome seed for Chris Nolan's third Gotham outing (and quite plausible with him just coming off Inception!)

One night around Christmastime when I was a kid we were driving home from a community play— my family and I were all acting in it— and got stopped at a sobriety checkpoint. My mom, who was driving, was still made up as the thieving Bag Lady from A Christmas Carol so her teeth were all blacked out and her hair messed

@bowen13: Nah, this is the new generation of "fast and furious" zombies. They drive recklessly on purpose.

@The HZA.: I couldn't even make it through the pilot. Just not my style of comedy, I guess. Of course it doesn't help that I'm not a huge fan of musical theater, either.

@The HZA.: Lol, that's brilliant! I enjoyed the dig at Glee in that episode, too. Just too lazy to look up the actual quote.

To quote the great Jeff Winger from Community (a show for which I'd much rather see a SDCC panel than any of these): I hate Glee. I just don't see the appeal at all.

"We have also reduced the resolution of the image to something which is more manageable for people to look at. Otherwise it would just be too big."

Be happy, be white... be Mormon?