
@Walking Eye!: I know next to nothing about the series, but the end of this review seems to suggest "cautionary tale," which I guess I'm cool with.

It may have taken me eight years too long to figure it out, but this past winter I finally realized what I should be doing with my life— I think io9 may have had quite a lot to do with it, too, believe it or not— and it heartens me to no end to see it listed here.

@sephycloneno15: It's the hidden track when you play side 2 backwards.

@The Captain: The guys on T800's right are Kirk and Spock from "The Voyage Home."

I suppose Marty and the Doc were mostly "in control," except for that one movie where they accidentally skipped a century.

At the risk of bringing down an asbestos curtain of hate, I have to say this trailer grated on me a little.

@92BuickLeSabre: There's some evidence to suggest that heavier intake of B vitamins increases dream vividness and recollection. Vitamin B6 is the most often discussed, but others (particularly 12) apparently yield results in some people as well. So you might consider an individual supplement or B-complex vitamin.

@mostlysane: Don't forget TV science documentary commentators.

Wonder why the term "scientifiction" never caught on? I almost like it better than "sci fi".

@tamahome: Svelte, but no less hirsute.

@Lightice: It wouldn't be like PJ to throw away all of del Toro's prep work after investing so much time and faith in him. Both directors' imprints would be quite visible, I have a feeling. I wouldn't be surprised if GDT retains a producer credit at the very least.

Not animated, but this image gives one an idea of the geography and scale of the area we're talking about (I think).

@Razoky: Agreed. America is too old for this sh*t.

Why, why, why would anyone speculate about Brett F***ing Ratner? Why subject the geek community to that torture? I'd rather just be told flat out that he's directing and be able to write off the movies then and there. (I puked in my mouth a little while writing that sentence.)

Yes, this is indeed— quite literally— one of the crappiest inventions I have ever seen.