
@Erinaceus: Give me the Boston Herald or the New York Post and I'm sold.

Bring 'em on. I get more and more pumped for this movie the more I see of it.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: I'm feeling more and more confident this film will single-handedly redeem, and hopefully re-invent, big budget cinema as we know it. But then of course I'm a loonheaded optimist.

@RizzRustbolt: The trailer music isn't actually Zimmer, but a custom track done by a firm called Sencit.

@SupaChupacabra: Nope, they just let ILM do the animatics on the fly. All the work in that other gallery is purely fan art.

@Srynerson: This guy will want to know too.

@B: Raised by a single mom, one has to assume. I suppose knowing he was a latchkey kid makes his relationship with his toys more significant though.

While I share my generation's collective pain in having to be subjected to this, I almost feel worse for the poor bastards who agreed to do an entire rock concert in those rubber suits. Almost.

"Now with wheels!" Heh.

Not afraid to say it - I feel really ambivalent about this.

@8x10: No, I get it. I was agreeing with you. Completely ignoring the perceptual stuff, a rainbow (and I'm sure many other things) will appear different to various observers due to factors like that.

@8x10: I'm pretty sure that doesn't need to be a metaphysical question for anyone. If we could somehow insert our minds/consciousnesses into the brain of another being (like in Avatar, I suppose), would we not notice anything different about the colors? Setting aside specific physiological conditions like yours, even

The pic at the top almost looks like concept art for a Terry Gilliam project. (It even features the Black Knight, from the looks of it!)

@Sl0th: @Sl0th: Yeah, something tells me that when the Crank/Gamer duo walked away due to "creative differences," it was because some idiotic studio boss insisted on making it more "family-friendly." Two big red flags sticking up right there.