
@Aurailious: Heh, interesting thought... I'm sure the Na'vi would have a very different preception of blue at least in the social/cultural sense!

Dag, that's a shame. It was sounding like the extensive re-shoots, re-cuts and rewrites (especially from what Brolin has relayed about trying to inject more humor) were an attempt to wrangle it back into something decent, but alas. From the sound of this it was too little, too late.

@mekki: To follow up what Millhaven said: evolution gave us humans (or, more precisely, our eyes and brains) the ability to distinguish between certain wavelengths of light. "Blue" is simply how our brains interpret that particular range of wavelengths. It may look different to you than it does to me— possibly one of

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@crosis101: Me too, though I think the Dark Knight/Toy Story 2 pairing actually trumps it

@hdgotham: So are his fingers! Definitely a Stephen King vibe there.

@gorehound: They eventually get immortalized on classic rock album covers?

You know what, Hollywood?

MGM should be nuked from orbit and their various properties raffled off to the other studios at random. After seeing Terminator Salvation, I don't think anyone else could do a worse job of screwing up a franchise anyway.

Marc, I feel your pain, I really do. And I agree that most of the Lucasfilm kids' merch these days is useless dreck. Which only leads to the question, though - why are you wasting time on some crap book when your son hasn't seen The Empire Strikes Back yet?

Where's our goddamn space elevator already?

Akiva Goldsman also wrote the movie adaptation of Lost In Space. After the folly of the Schumacher Batmans I could never quite forgive him for that particular abomination. Seems that nowadays his name is generally a trusted one within the genre, but I can never look at it without shivering at least slightly. Really

@Blue Hinter: I agree - the Keats subplot has been a real drag on this series. Slow, uninteresting, totally redundant, and lacking any real surprise or entertainment value.

@Stalker: I did enjoy Litton's periwigged return. And yeah, the new character in Friday's episode was definitely disconcerting, albeit in a good way, I felt. I'm wondering if he's there just because they couldn't get a certain other actor to return, though.

@Ghost_in_the_Machine: I had only seen the first episode or two of season 1 when I watched season 2, and still enjoyed it immensely. I don't remember being confused very often, but then again I had already seen most of Life on Mars as well.

@Stalker: Personally season 3 has kind of disappointed me thus far. But they do seem to be tying it closer to Mars plot-wise, which of course is a good thing.

Gosh, BBC America is just starting to air season two? I've been following the third series as it airs in the UK, and I have to say I rather envy the U.S. viewers who've only made it this far - Season Three has been somewhat disappointing. Though, I will grant that last week's penultimate chapter was a significant

So much love for Breaking Bad. It is the only one of these I know I will watch and keep watching (well, aside from Doctor Who.)