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The stop-motion visual stlye in that game trailer remind me of another, unmentioned Carroll adaptation - the live-action/animation hybrid "Alice" by Czech filmmaker Jan Švankmajer. The whole thing is on Youtube, but this clip (overdubbed with Tom Waits) gives one a pretty good idea of the visual style which almost

@Stephen Totilo: I think Lindelof and Cuse have said that Malcom David Kelley, the actor who plays Walt, has aged too much to continue in appearing the series. There is a rumor, though, that they shot a scene with him for the final episode/s while making season 4 or 5.

@omgwtflolbbqbye: NO stuupid - That's an Ork. He's also doing "Teh Hobbitt"

Soo... Does this count as "science-ing fiction"?

Ackbar sez: TOURIST TRAP.

I don't care how bad the hoax is, or how "good" it might have been. Anything that can give the tin-foil-hat-wearers validation is just plain irresponsible.