
They should just put a branded periscope in the glove box.

And a possibly-literal intake trumpet!

I saw one the other day and thought “hmmm, I don’t think I could squeeze through that window [space] in the event of an emergency.” If I can’t crawl through the window, i’m not interested. (I’m also 6'4" 250...)

No, it’s not. You’re intentionally misunderstanding this. I’m pretty sure they know more about it than you. This engine will run with and without spark. Please educate yourself before making concrete statements that are completely false.

Just say ‘badass’ already, dammit. We curse like psycho big boys here, no need to be shy. Besides, I don’t think I’ve heard of a bada that’s $5. Or any bada at all, or how much they cost. Come on man.

“Canadian ELITE Special Forces”

Yeah that’s what I thought.

No biggie. You can’t see shit out of any performance car these days.

You know how else you can get a factory-warrantied 600+ hp muscle car?

Xbone, Xbones, Xbonex. Three iterations of the same console, each with slightly different specs, released within a

The LED polygon nostrils aren’t doing it any favors, either.

THAT HORRIBLE STRIPE. makes it look like a striped bass.

“It’s been a loooong ti-ime, without you my friend...”

The car was going between 85 and 93 miles per hour on a 45mph public road, on badly degraded old tires. I don’t see how this is anyone’s fault but the driver. Really wish Porsche hadn’t settled at all.

“Investigators determined the cause of the fatal solo-vehicle collision was unsafe speed for the roadway conditions,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Commander Mike Parker said Tuesday.

As sad as we all are about Paul, this was no fault of Porsche’s, no fault of the driver, and all the fault of the owner for not changing the fucking tires.

i think the developers of the heist missions would disagree on your second point.

No. but it better last at least 5 years lol

No. but it better last at least 5 years lol