
I’m not exactly sure how (or as you say, whether) they’ll manage to package the engine in the car as it’s designed at present, but I’m assuming that the external design won’t change. I’m guessing that Cosworth are involved partly because of their F1 experience - they’ve built extremely compact engines before. I wonder

I don’t understand why Microsoft gets such a bad rep. They’ve done a lot. BC for all generations of Xbox, first to allow external HDDs, etc. Now making avatars with this awesome art style. Although it’s not necessary, it’s still kind of fun.

There was a brief time where you could do an Xbox Live party and watch Netflix together, and everybody’s avatars would be sitting in a theater in front of the show, Mystery Science Theater-style. It was actually pretty fun to goof around and joke on movies... but like I said, unfortunately not very long-lived.

No one would have used that feature is why. That sounds like a horrendously awkward way to pick games.

Loyal fans? He openly admitted that his software is being used to bypass security features. Because of him, there are people who are stealing from Rockstar.

It’s apparently a Cosworth-built 6.5L NA V12 linked to a hybrid system and a Ricardo transmission:

The distinction here is it’s not a performance upgrade that’s needed, it’s a core problem with the car.

Exactly what I thought, but this article and others I’ve seen have been treating it like it’s the fourth Xbox console and not a refresh of the third.

I believe they’re going for the Daryl angle from the Walking Dead tv show.

The Xbox One X was never advertised as a new generation console. Did you think the PS4 Pro was a new generation system too?

Can we stop dragging PC in to this. We have been hearing about so called pc supremacy for years and consoles are stil going strong. Nobody cares, only pc gamers do apparently. Not everybody has a 1000 bucks for a high end pc but maybe they do have 500 bucks for Xbox One X. This is a plate that is cheaper for most

Woah, someone’s fanboyism is oozing from their butthurt.

It looks sooooooo goooooooood. Are those models 3D because they look crisp and 2D.

Why wouldn’t 360 games be compatible with it? They’re both running DirectX, and the One X clearly exceeds the hardware requirements of the 360.

They’ve already said it’d have 360 back compat.

The acronym is XOX, which is how my mother ends emails to me. Kisses and hugs!

I hope there is something cosmetically special for day one models, would sell me on it easily. Not even kidding

Can’t they just make it bigger?

How is it that no one talked to this kid, he was clearly broadcasting loudly and repeatedly that he was going to kill, at the very least, himself. Have we just gotten so jaded as a species that we see someone talking about ending it all and say see you on monday champ?