
I think some of it comes from the publicity that a huge kickstarter funding campaign success brings. Its essentially free advertising.

Thats pretty much it. Hell, the kickstarter doesn’t end til mid June and the Shipping date is June. So these are probably already in the process of being made.

Pretty much. And can you blame them? Its a clever move.

also works well to get some buzz. If they just released the game would this article exist?

That’s what kickstarters have become mostly. It’s a way to gauge interest in a product, help finance it if it gains enough popularity, drastically reduce financial risk in case it bombs (a failed campaign costs way less than a failed released product), and you don’t have to answer to people who’s only interest is

I know this headline isn’t going to win me any friends, and I’m even a little surprised I’m writing this, but I’ve

Here in NorCal we call them Douchebros.

There are videos for people interested in the technology behind something cool like this. Those videos, aimed at that 0.5% of people, have no soundtrack.

I think the soundtrack is an IronMan reference, it the theme played when he takes his first flight.

It’s better than the crappy dubstep/EDM they usually have on these videos. Those are so annoying it’s become a deal breaker for me. As soon as I hear it, I turn it off.

If you dedicate that Xbox as the server, no you can't play on that Xbox. On the other hand you can host a non-dedicated multiplayer game. Which is like friends joining your game.