
The reality of the currents administration to have any reference other that dairy listed as a milk would likely be a backlash at soy milk as the cost of soy will rise due to tariffs, another temper tantrum by a immature president.

The reality of the currents administration to have any reference other that dairy listed as a milk would likely be a backlash at soy milk as the cost of soy will rise due to tariffs, another temper tantrum by a immature president.

The reality of the currents administration to have any reference other that dairy listed as a milk would likely be a backlash at soy milk as the cost of soy will rise due to tariffs, another temper tantrum by a immature president.

I wonder about the durability of LCD screens in car interiors where the temperatures can climb as high as 113-172 degrees, the constant heating & cooling of these displays must wreak malfunctions after so many years.

I’m pretty sure one of the was I’d die if run over by a bulldozer is a heart attack from the stress & pain.

If only there were more people & governments with his good intentions attitude towards others.

Lawyers get paid, they’s be foolish to turn down $.

It’s frustrating that any military builder/supplier is allowed to be on an open network, the same goes for infrastructure controls. People at the top should be taking a great many things in consideration & taking measures instead of being a complacent incompetent waste of space.

Fortnite will never reach the coolness level of Halo.

I wonder all the time if using LCD panels in a vehicle in the sun with temperatures running as high as 113-172 degrees, there must be a limit to how many times these displays take the constant cooling & reheating before failures.

The guy sounds like a flake, that would be the equivalent of knowingly outfitting leaky gas tanks in an assembly line to save money. In the end it’d cost the automaker more time & money to fix the issue before sending a completed unit out, not to mention tarnishing your companies name in the name of pennies. If

It’s really annoying watching any documentary Brian Cox is in, between the creepy smile during unnecessary scenes where he’s looking at something in long takes & when he’s using gushing over embellished speeches to describe something like a car salesman I feel sick.

“gasping until she died”

I though the same thing when I’d first seen it, maneuverability is certainly an issue. The vehicle might not work now but it has future potential usage.

Jokes aside about production hell & missed deadlines & even it isn’t used during this rescue, Musks microsub could be used in future missions where specialized equipment simply wasn’t available. The issues I see are maneuverability through elevation changes & areas where the need to flex around tight corners impedes

Having played the heck out of the 1st Crew & tried part 2 this should have just been DLC for The Crew, I play on an XB1. Disappointingly there really isn’t that much of an improvement in graphics, the plane & air physics are boring & the water isn’t really that dynamic when racing boats. Other than being a game to

The game visuals are stunning, on the XB1 it would shine. On the other hand this game doesn’t strike me as memorable.

That dual tail landing was nothing short of awesome.

Other than the horrible misfire, this goes to show what manufacturing, planning & drills can do to prevent & minimized exposure to a major malfunction such as this. Kudos to the designer of this boat that its layout prevented severe injuries or deaths, thanks to them these people can go home & their families & friends

A smart move for Atari would be to bundle as much as they can from any Atari system & game they’ve made, if this is only going to be 2600 games there isn’t that wide an appeal.