
I used to purchase by beers in glass bottles but have switched to cans, they don’t weigh as much, store easily in the refrigerator, block all light, & chill easily.. Also I have seen some absolutely disgusting bottles, even though they are supposed to be cleaned some bad bottles get through the wash/rinse cycle &

You gotta be kidding scrub, I have $29 million from bunkers, hangers & heists, legit gaming for life.

“Hole?” I never need to cheat to win.

Here’s to hoping there will be a part 2 of Smugglers Run stuff with the inclusion of modern aircraft, I had posted my idea a few years back in regards to Rockstar giving us hangers, vintage aircraft & clothing & missions, maybe they heard me & that’s where Smugglers Run came from. Here’s to hoping they do the next bit

Don’t forget The Crew with junker finds, regardless Forza & The Crew are too arcadey even if Forza is tweaked. I like Project Cars & Gran Turismo even though I play mostly XBOX games.

Updating the low resolution display to something a bit more on par with the Oculus Rift would be nice considering PSVR costs as much.

There’s that steering wheel again.

Does anyone else besides me think Trump is trying to shift attention from the Russia investigation, inability to lead & instill confidence by pushing the North Korea situation into a frenzy? Maybe Trump thinks the people will forget ?

It makes me wonder if these celebrities have some money staked in this, also are they paid to advertise?

Lets take this back a bit further to the 90's, I present to you the 1993 Mercury Messenger, I have been saying for awhile now that the new Aston borrows very heavily from this car. Do you see it?

Erik does this look familiar, 2003 Mercury Messenger?

My biggest peeve atm is those generic steering wheels almost every auto maker install that seem like they come from one manufacturer with a only few cosmetic & function changes. Has anyone else noticed this & do we know who makes these? There are many more than I could show.

I will watch the heck out of your shows, at least we wouldn’t have a bunch of idiotic screamers like Jeremy Clarkson or Richard Hammond for a change, you guys are more down to earth & real. Would you consider doing a build segment, a car repair for dummies type element, testing & reviews? Which channel will you end

I lost my love for EA when Battlefront came out, $140 is very unreasonable. When they can start giving us games back at a reasonable $70 I will start playing their titles again.

Anyone who isn’t dumb should clearly be able to see Trump is trying to shift focus away from Russian collusion, his tax forms & laws he’s either trying to dismantle or pass.

Anyone who isn’t dumb should clearly be able to see Trump is trying to shift focus away from Russian collusion, his tax forms & laws he’s either trying to dismantle or pass.

Everyone should clearly be able to see Trump is trying to shift focus away from Russian collusion, his tax forms & laws he’s either trying to dismantle or pass.

Racist Grown Man Fakes Pretending Not To Be

My god, we must be like ants to whomever wears this watch!

Seeing this in a sewer only makes you wonder why people still engorge themselves on fatty cuts like primerib, I prefer lean & lightly seasoned meats. If that’s in sewer pipes imagine tiny veins in a human body getting clogged, bypass surgery would suck.