
Rockstar is still giving us good DLC despite the age of this game, I’m really digging the Hanger missions & ability to customize aircraft too, Maybe we will get a tech aircraft collection next after the rest of the vintage are released. Zack I make polite posts, can you please ungrey me?

I’ve earned over $480 million just by playing online missions, heisting, running my aircraft hanger, underground bunker, biker & CEO businesses. I own everything I’d ever want, have a group of polite, non racist team playing friends I can count on to help me push modders & grievers out of lobbies that pick on lower

I’m grateful Bungie didn’t add a lame dancing dynamic to Halo.

The people in the video were annoying & distracting, videos without self absorbed loud mouthed chatter boxes ruining the flow of the game play are a lot nicer to watch, there are several good video presenters on Youtube that get it & make great videos.

Trump should do the world a favor & go on a permanent holiday. New person to The Root, please ungrey me when you can possibly.

The little “oh my gosh” pencil necked wimp with the mic probably the same if not worse language.

I dislike the comparison of anyone for that matter, one that irked me was the idiotic tag line by total morons that Sidney Crosby would be the next Wayne Gretzky. People are who they are, not who someone compares them with.

Total rookies, couldn’t they at least land the helicopter in the back of the truck while it was in mid jump?

The replacement cost for one of these would be enormously expensive, I’ve heard of people being extorted by dealers for replacement fobs. Imagine the insanity of losing your wheel or it being stolen by a griever or someone who simply wants one. Obviously if they think it through they will abandon this idea or install

Awww, that same laser measure is $70 her in Canada.

Awww, that same laser measure is $70 her in Canada.

Meanwhile at the Hall Of Super Best Friends.

Sweet Ark Gods this looks amazing!

Thanks, I really wish they all were put into grievers lobbies where they could all torrent each other.

It’s around $1 million every couple days & really stretching it out would be 3 if I’m not around to play, but I can earn $1 million or more in a day if I’m stubborn. If you top off your bunker with supplies to be used in manufacturing you can go heist the Pac Standard to push past the $1 million a day mark, all in all

I only wish I got paid & wish I could be involved with the people who keep making the content & keep adding layers to the game at each update. Another idea I have is to bring back the RC cars & planes to use for racing & weapon enhancements, when some griever hides behind a building waiting to blow up a shipment a

I hear you on the trolling, I’ve learned to play freeaim quite well as these lobbies have less jerks & have pieced together a good polite, helpful non racist level headed group of friends that all take pride in helping one another. It’s even gone beyond us helping each other out & has branched over into us giving

The plane is called the Starling & it has a booster you can activate by pressing L3. The booster has a drain meter & it recharges over time by gliding which it does very well, you can boost straight up without stalling because it’s so powerful, the plane is being presented as a stealth option & you can drop bombs on

I’ve never bought a single Sharkcard in the 2 years I’ve played GTAV, so far I’ve earned over $440 million legit just from doing heists & missions. I earn $1 million + every 2 days even if I’m dogging it, just run your bunker & you’ll be raking in the dough. Keep in mind Rockstar presents us with a Playwall, the

I’m loving what Rockstar finally gave us after all my years of harping about the possibilities, I still have $17 million left from this update & still make $1 million+ every 2 days, Rockstar gives us so much free awesome stuff, I have never bought a single Sharkcard & have earned over $440 million legit in the 2

Everybody I know that knows a bit about these guys without falling for all the razzle dazzle & constant jawing by the 2 fighters predicted it would go around 10 rounds. Think about the situation this way, if this was your last fight & it was to prove the legitimacy of boxing as irreplaceable by the MMA would you not