
It would be nice, the Swift is the only shout out to the Bell 222 that was Airwolf. I would be easy to weaponize it or better yet go with a whole to heli just to get some nicer fine detailing.

Apollo 13, Cinderella Man, Rush, The Da Vinci Code are part of Ron Howards great film legacy. I think he’s a great choice for Han Solo.

Bear in mind that the opening title for Streethawk was made by Tangerine Dream, the same group on the soundtrack for GTAV. Also that GTAV is based largely around movie cliches & vehicles so this is right on par, Streethawk was a logical choice. I keep a garage specifically just movie themed. I’d like to see a fixed

I can get to the top of the Maze Tower easily, it is now my number one mode of transportation. I have all my research unlocks, equipment & attachments. I’m sitting on $20 million+ & earn $1 million off the bunker in 1-3 days depending on how busy I am. this update is freaking great! I have earned more than $400

Talk about show boating & taking up almost the whole dance floor, yeesh.

She resembles Carrie Fisher a bit from the top photo.

Some window tints are downright illegal, if you can’t see the occupant/s clearly through the glass the owner should be on the hook to re cover the glass in an acceptable film. All officers should carry a tint swatch or if this isn’t possible the vehicle should be inspected by a 3rd party.

And yet when we mention to others to not live outside their financial means it isn’t considered racist, but when mentioned in a logical observation it’s going on in another country it is racist? Wrong, Macron is right about this.

The same could be said about other countries with families living outside their means, not taking their financial situation into account & having more children than they can support. People of other races do this too except when we bring that up it isn’t considered racist, instead it’s always called advice & a life

Wasn’t Bear Grylis also sleeping in hotels secretly at night off the camera?

Casting Ralph Phienes as John Delorean is also a no brainer, this has to happen.

Besides the vehicle entry I also have issues with how the drivers & passenger feet will be positioned, that tub is so tiny. Also a 6.5 liter engine & transmission assembly are going to be shoe shoe horned into that ridiculously small space in the back, if you look at the vehicle under body & diffuser from the rear

Now playing

I’m not a fan of music at airshows because I’d rather hear the beautiful engines, but I couldn’t help hear this in my head watching the hummingbird fly. Seeing hummingbirds drop by my moms garden is always a treat.

Horrible human beings how the hell do these people get into these situations? We need more closer monitoring, people reporting these types of behaviors, cold hearted people or mental disorders so that no one is put into the situation where their life is at risk. This kid is gone to heaven too soon, be at peace.

What a sickening cowardly horrible thing to do, heaven for these kids, their lives were way too short. I wish that parents showing any signs of passive aggressiveness, the cold hearts  & mental illness were monitored & steps taken accordingly so these tragedies stop.

Where did I see this character before?

It’s a beautiful day and I can’t help myself from smiling.

The car has enormous power, does it have cylinder deactivation for DD?

“Eduardo Barros was house-sitting with his girlfriend and her daughter Sunday night at a residence in Tijeras, some 15 miles east of Albuquerque. The couple got into an argument and the altercation became physical, according to the Bernalillo County Sheriff Department’s spokesperson, Deputy Felicia Romero. Barros

I saved up $47.6 million starting 2 months or so before the update doing missions, heists & double money heists. When the update came I dumped 100% of the bunker staff into research to get it over with, fast tracking when the price to buy out the research dropped to $90k ish. That dropped me down to around maybe