
Underwhelming? This hardware is absolutely going to be awesome to play on, it’s always exciting to get a new console or build a new PC. I’ve have all the Xboxes, Playstations except PS4, retro consoles & built a few gaming rigs. This new Xbox is not by any means going to disappoint form the looks of it.

Some games I need are on different platforms, I buy those platforms because I game.

There are some that complain but most of them get it that hardware upgrades are necessary the way PC guys do. Don’t use that weak straw man argument to stereotype an entire platform users attitudes, all PC users don’t feel it’s necessary to stay within the PC platform community either. Gamers game & don’t care where

The TV might be able to upscale a signal but not the actual game graphics draw distance, textures, light sourcing & jaggies. That’s what the GPU does & CPU decides what to do based on set detection, refresh rates & so on.

Old titles will play as a rescale if the game devs patch, future tiltles will be released as 4K & downscaled only if the set is a 1080P or older gen console. That means larger files overall.

Hopefully we get to see Flight SimX & Xplane.

That controller was perfect for me then, I’m 6'4" & a weightlifter with giant hands. That controller is still in my collection, all of the controllers fro Xbox have worked for me ergonomically, I used to get so many hand cramps with my PS1, PS2 & PS3. The XB1 controllers are so damned good for me right now but I’d be

I’d do a special release edition with circuitry airbrushed decorations on the cabinet that forms into an X, free idea Microsoft.

You must be a real hoot at karaoke.

This works on so many levels for me....... I’d be saying ramping! Nice body kit, the secondary color might have better as a grey accent but it looks damned good & purpose built. The track sounds like someone attempted to remix a Daft Punk track from Tron Legacy.

The physical size of the Switch game card is not an issue, they are relatively tiny compared to the case. The cases are what I refer to, making them retro NES would have been far cooler looking & they could have adjusted the case size accordingly to save plastic while giving a big shout out to their heritage for

Can’t look away, it’s power level is over 9,000!

Nintendo really missed the mark when they came up with those huge bloated Switch boxes, my idea when they launched the system was they should have used a retro cartridge shaped case. It’s hard understanding how a company supposed to be that brilliant didn’t figure that one that easy.

Do what I’m doing, keep it for a personal server for games like Ark, I’ll be keeping my Halo5 edition for sure.It looks even more amazing on my stand.

A true news networks job is to bring the news not be opinionated or press biases on others.

It was so bad, I just placed it on the list as a console racing title, I left Super Mariocart out though.

I’ve never had an issue with Xbox except the dozen times they went down for network issues, the menus fast & easy to navigate. Everything is organized well. I still have my Xbox original, launch date 360 & the current XB1.

Taking into consideration people ponied up $700 for the PS3 I’d say it’s very possible a $500 price tag for a powerful console that can even run VR wouldn’t be an issue. Having used PSVR I came away dissapointed, bad displays, tracking loss. Even more disappointing is the almost identical price tags of the PSVR &

It’s hard to picture the idiots who created the no biodegradable micro beads in the first place, or any company for that matter that doesn’t give any forethought into the recycling or break down of their products.

Does this man have the self control of a child?