
I hope this guys employer recognizes him from the news segment & fires him, racists have no business in our businesses.

The states will but the biggest question, will vehicle manufacturers take on Trump as well?

I don’t know who is more annoying, these jackholes that post fake garbage like this or the idiots that believe these videos & try convincing me what they saw was real. I had one moron so convince the video was real he thought I was trying to dispute everything he was saying, told me to go bleep myself, blocked me &

It looks like they’re trying to copy the DB-11, another copycat.

If it were Trump he’d be looking to exploit loopholes, not pay employees & declare bankrupcies so he can have all the gold adorned garbage :)

Well at least you got Trump right? Ted would have been far better than the manatee.

I’m a guy, I don’t get crazy on taking up room but I don’t want to crush my rocks, that lady in the picture is spreading more than I do. Don’t hate on the rocks.

I’m a guy, I don’t get crazy on taking up room but I don’t want to crush my rocks.

I remember this trailer, still looks good today. Weird that it’s only PS4, kind of a waste making it only available on one console after being on the PC.

Damn my phrasing, I must have been half asleep when I typed this.

Suspended is too lenient, it should have been an automatic permaban. This garbage behavior shouldn’t be tolerated the same as drugs & spousal abuse in anywhere should result in getting kicked out the door for professional sports or anywhere for that matter.

15's would have been perfect.

It sound like you’re quoting Trump.

Funny you brought up Gundam, I’m sad to say but also a bit glad that I’m getting rid of all my models. Hours of fun building, detailing & painting but I’ve decided to keep my collection simple, pretty much just a few aviation musts & thats about it, too much dusting. Maybe if I had some sort of super mega mansion I’d

I was sticking with console titles that I know, the 2 games you quoted me are probably PC titles. Game immersion is much better on the PC, that would be like comparing Ace Combat against Flight SimX or XPlane. Hopefully at some point with the Scorpio coming out we can see better titles, VR connectivity for the Rift,

Oh some ones old & cranky, go drink you prune juice & go to bed julymonkey :)

For me Project Cars is at the top of racing sims with Gran Turismo taking 2nd, Forza 3rd & The Crew at the bottom in the realism department. The Crew is so bad.

Hose the while you can, there were some valid points though by someone who mentioned the entire ship is likely to have plumbing & wiring & a mechanical gear retraction system. That adds some value.

You’ll be kicking yourself someday when you realized how much money you wasted on landfill. I’m getting rid of all my “collectibles” now. What a freaking waste of money & space, $1,000's wasted. I don’t want to end up some day when I’m old like those old farts dusting off their spoon or nick-nack collections, hoarding

Fidget Spinners, coming to a weak mind near you! Their slogan. That or, Fidget Spinners, coming soon to a landfill near you!