If he feels like wrecking another of those he could send me to it instead.
If he feels like wrecking another of those he could send me to it instead.
What was that? 6.9 on the Richter Scale, hang on!
That & adult babies that use the term bae or woke.
Will Steven Spielberg ever deliver on the Halo TV series? I’d doubt he could pull it off let alone gather the budget resources to make give the Halo universe the size, scale & attention it deserves.
The under powered comment logically is about Nintendo never trying to leap a generation in front of anyone, they keep making consoles with the outdated power of other manufacturers last generation equivalents, as an example Switch is around the power of a PS3. Going forward from here anyways the graphical power…
I feel the same way about the word woke or bae, it’s like some adult babbling goo goo ga ga, except babies are way cooler.
That’s basically me except I’m 6'4" so it looks more natural having a large amount of muscle on my skeleton, short people look so weird with big physiques, my heaviest deadlift was 565 pounds & I can do 80 pound curls in each hand. My shoulders touch some door frames passing through.
There are overweight people in every country, except maybe North Korea, oh no wait Kim Jong-un.
Poor eating habits & sitting on your keester day & night without expending calories is a bad habit, Kingpin with Bill Murray always made me laugh & cringe the same time with the line about “tremendous athletes” & they cut to the scenes with a few bowlers & their huge flabby guts. I’m willing to bet that some day…
It always made me chuckle inside riding past cyclists on their carbon fiber wonder machines decked out head to toe in their cycling atire on my $120 steel framed bike from Canadian Tire or Sears wearing a backpack, I either got a few scowls & some hurried crankers trying to keep up & even a few nods of approval at…
That looks comfortable to ride, would it suit a 6'4" rider?
You meean the passin down of old ideals?
He’s a winner, anyone mad about him winning is a loser.
I’d doubt Microsoft really worries about it that much, they are dominant mostly over here in North America. The only place there are blind fanboys who only think of buying the Playstation are likely in the UK (although I also play with them quite a lot also through Xbox Live) & Japan, . Most gamers I talk with here in…
Hells Angels were the organization I was referring to, they do Christmas drives each year.
All the people I’ve ever heard saying these criminal organizations are good people because they see them give at Christmas once a year to make themselves seem good & normal astound me.
It wouldn’t likely work that way, games from devs would most likely be made in the Scorpio 4K large draw distance sized format then auto detected by lower end consoles then downgraded. The upside will be insanely detailed games for Scorpio with barely any pop in, the only real downsides I can see developing are…
Open the window please :)
Already have my money saved!
Ugh, that artwork.