
every great civilization has been brought down by loose manly women

Anna Wintour, Voice of the People

typical woman. makes a decision for herself, then complains and/or blames men for it after the fact.

To be fair, Kendall is not a bad runway model! But she's a horrible print model. If Vogue does one more shoot with her this month after already doing three in a row of painful, amateur Instagram-style poses, then I will write a letter.

Can you imagine what Kanye would be like as an intern? I wish someone would make a reality show out of this.

I wonder what Kanye's process is like. Does he sit at a drawing board and sketch stuff out, or does he stand behind an actual designer and say "needs to be tackier - add more tacky"?

Kanye West is to fashion what Michael Jordan was to baseball.

I think Doctors might disagree with you on that. Nothing wrong with bangin men or women but ol Kloe seems to think its on the same level with being a Heart Surgeon. None of those broads have " Careers " you dont get a " Career " by spreading your legs on camera or by having your sister do it. You get " Fame ". If

Other quotes from this gold mine of an interview from Amber, who shares her thoughts on the Kardashian Klan in general:

I'm noticing a lot of "I am fashion" types have little taste. ..

Full disclosure — I have a fashion design degree, am fully obsessed with minimalist street wear and have a closet full of vintage Adidas and Originals, I love Y3, most of what Stella McCartney does, and even quite a bit of Jeremy Scott's Adidas .

Nothing about any of these clothes are appealing to me. I'm not a big fan of the bulky/not-fitted look. It all just hangs off the body, and there isn't anything interesting for me to care about the fabric.

Pretty much.

Applebama is coming for your virtual guns.

I guess skin colored leotards are in, like in that music video where Shia Labeouf fights a child in a cage.

