
And so the battle between biology and technology begins.

I think you just over-analyzed the cover into oblivion. Taylor Swift simply lacks character, so the picture reflects that.

"I think the vast majority of women have been sexually harassed in the workplace, is what I'm saying."


It's a poorly written click-bait "article". Seems like it belongs on Jezebel. And it has an air of self-loathing. Do you appreciate your masculinity? What is the self deprecating blurb even about?

I don't think your well thought out viewpoint will be welcome here - judging by the comments.

I don't think your well thought out viewpoint will be welcome here - judging by the comments.

Why don't you guys just call all Gawker media blogs/subsidiaries "Jezebel" and just be done with it?

I don't think any sovereign country/nation would be thrilled if it's sovereignty was undermined by foreigners.

What is white privilege?

I don't think any sovereign country/nation would be thrilled if it's sovereignty was undermined by foreigners.

the mods here are quick to shut down any social commentary/discourse. lolz

im assuming "redneck" is a term of endearment?

WOW THIS IS SO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!! so empowering!

being different, lolz