I think she is the only human being I have ever seen who's able to pull this hairstyle off.
I think she is the only human being I have ever seen who's able to pull this hairstyle off.
He was my favorite character. Walter White solidified Pile of Shit status when he killed him.
I don't have any anywhere online. I don't sell it and I've only had a few paintings displayed to the public twice. What I do have is 15 years worth of art stacked up against the walls, in closets, on friend's walls, in my mom's garage. Almost none of them are "finished" because I suck and, from what everyone tells me,…
Do I smell even through the internet?! I need to see a doctor about this vile smell that wafts from my person, I guess.
You know, I'm an artist and a lot of my imagery contains naked women. I've done several paintings with a woman reclining, looking directly at the viewer, holding a knife or scissors, with parts dismembered and laying about here and there in the scene. My style is realistic as far as body proportion, shading and light…
My dad only had uno testicle. Just the one.
Did a tortoise bite that poor dogs BALLS? Ahahaha!
I was gritting my teeth because it is cuteness overload. So. Adorable. Maru is so chill about life. He kind of acts like he's been popping benzos.
Well I kind of thought you were him, see. Maybe you are? Would not surprise me. But man, you are on a roll. Great job!
Well, if assholes like this mofo didn't run their mouth like he's been doing, you probably wouldn't give a damn about it. Cellulite is a part of life and it isn't always such a bad thing. Like, Frank Frazetta, who made a living painting hot female ass didn't shy away from adding dimples all over their buns. And if…
You remind me of this guy. This douche extraordinaire. Mr. Drury. Sad sack of shit he was/is.
Man, I made a wrong turn somewhere in my life. That's my kind of part-time work. How in the world did you get this gig?
Awwww! That's tiny (which means "cute" in mi familia).
That come hither look is what kills me.
Wow! What is it that you do that makes it so you get to hang out with such persons? I am jealousy incarnate.
Haha! When I was a very young girl, I watched this on vhs like every other fuckin day. And that bulge indeed had power over me. Still does.
Ew. Your words gave me the creeps. No easy task. Congrats!
Omg! So precious. I had two polydactyl cats, named Gilgamesh and Butters and holy hell they were so laid back and oh my how they craved luvins. Butters wasn't fat by any means, but when he would eat he would lay next to the bowl, with his had sort of propped up on the edge, and get pieces of chow very nonchalantly…