Well, tis better than them being unloved, yes? I adore chubby creatures of all kinds (including humans). I was having a bad day and this lil guy cheered me up. Intensely cute.
Well, tis better than them being unloved, yes? I adore chubby creatures of all kinds (including humans). I was having a bad day and this lil guy cheered me up. Intensely cute.
This summer sucked, just like every summer has since having to "grow up" and maintain a job in order to pay the bills. I'm always ready for autumn right around now. The quality of light starts to change and the nights become cooler and the stars brighter. This transition is one of the best times of the year for me, as…
Well, I'd gladly risk it to be able to do my job, you know, one I've devoted most of my life to. And I would be extremely pissed if I was told I couldn't due to my fucking ovaries etc. God this makes me mad. It's so simple. And so unfair.
Oh cripes this is good. *yoink
Oh yes. That jackhammering thing is fine to see and feel, sure, but not every time all the time. It's so brutal and redundant. Not the best combo.
Oh I love ambien. I rarely use it for sleep. Whenever I have it I'll take some and stay up and have a wonderful, giddy, weird time. A unique high. Which is why I don't want or have a prescription. Abuse would definitely ensue.
I don't understand his appeal. Everything I've ever read about him makes me wonder what it is exactly that has feminists creaming their chonies over. And this little tidbit is extraordinarily condescending and la-dee-dah. "Swoon"... puh-leez.
Well, not everyone has had the pleasure of seeing or setting bare foot in a massive vagina installation. It's a big world with lots of people. You can't expect something like this to be old hat everywhere.
Yeah, this was rather insulting. He's really cavalier about this stuff, taint he?
I would give them both all-doze-luvins. Cute overload. But I get what Evie said. The same thought lingers in the back of my mind. I'm so sad I can't have pets in this condo. And I miss my mom's dogs. I miss fuzzy friends.
WOW! That's exactly what my mind said upon first view of this wondrous beast. Damn, I love weird looking animules. He looks like Greebo, if someone put hair tonic in his saucer of milk.
Man, she was so fast they didn't even have a chance to help. Awesome-sauce, is what this is. All over would-be thief's face.
There are a few, but I totally get what you're saying. Freida Pinto always makes my brain smile. Ahhh, pretty people are pretty.
It's so unbelievably stupid and offensive and obvious! I saw this first at dlisted just a bit ago and was like "Whaaa?!", you know? So many wtfs to go around.
I love it, personally, and am extremely jealous of those who do it and do it well. I think it's fucking awesome and fun. And, I think it might be a bit different if Miley actually twerked. She doesn't. It's embarrassing. AND it takes away from the real deal and those who do it correctly and have been doing so for a…
I wash my sheets at least once every week. I have a hard-on for getting into clean linen sheets. Like Odin in "The Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul". I'm not a neat freak by any means, but I need clean bedding. And floors vacuumed daily. And chapstick.
No. They're the space aliens. In the grand scheme they're the exception to the rule. And they always come off as silly to me. The live in La-La Land.
Yeah, what the hell is he wearing?! Made me laugh.
Well, it looks like it said "Please DON'T masturbate in the showers" but someone put blue tape over the "don't" part. Either way, I find it amusing.
The only thing I've really liked him in (and seen his hotness in) was "Hesher". He was fine as fuck being a crusty metal-head.