
Oh jesus. My mom loves this song. lol

I agree, although I do like that it's inspired pubs-talk in the comment-sector. Interesting topic, to me, always.

Oh, and BY the way: Men like this asshole, who have the nerve to talk about women's shaving habits like this, disgust me. Guys that have all these arbitrary rules for the opposite sex piss me the hell off.

And how long did it take? And did it leave little bumps? I have been shaving pits, legs and snatch since 15 (because I cannot STAND the way it feels), wax nowadays but would really love to never have to deal with it ever again. It's not a feminist issue for me, it's a personal peeve. I don't think pubes are

Ugh. Foul and sad. Hoarder's homes are very disturbing places. Gives me the willies.

Ya, I watched the trailer yesterday. Looks pretty neat. I very much appreciated the shot of birds up above the water the camera was just barely under. And hey! I dreamt about a submarine in the sea, and there was a vista test set up on the outside of it, it was a bunch of bizarre shells and sea creatures outlining a

I love her outfit, but I love that furniture more. I have one of those chairs. One of my most prized possessions.

That is the single most amazing part of his career, imho. Pure magic, every time.

You haven't liked not a single one of his movies? Nada one!?

Well, in their defense (not that they need it from me, of course), they made Antichrist and Melancholia. Von Trier is a cheesy stunt queen when you get right down to it, but those two films and those two actresses in them were, in my humble opinion, fantastic. I really loved the movies AND the actress's performances

Heh, bingo! Barf-o-rama @ Shia-stains and his repulsive Ac-tor pretentiousness.

I loved Antichrist. It was brutal and horrendous and disgusting etc, etc. But it was mysterious and magical and reminded me of times out in the forest, either camping or just having a walk about. It was very much like a dream, or nightmare. I also liked Melancholia. But the man himself, and this new movie... they

People are saying shit about how she looks? Jesus fuckin christ. That's disgusting.

I think that it is still relatively distinct, in popular culture anyway. I myself didn't have an issue with it, but I KNEW there would be commenters who DID and I was riiight. Yay for me.

Kate Middleton is a dead-mofuckin-ringer for my biker Aunt Terri. Uncanny. I gotta tell her, she will be overjoyed to know she looks like someone half her age.

Exactly. My eyes almost rolled out of my head when I read that part. Like, are you kidding me?! Come ON.

I love this pic, btw.

Well, I lived in Oregon for 9 months when I was 16, and I do remember my thick wavy hair going BOING. It was a lot shorter then, so I am really hoping the length I have now weighs it down. My hair is wild, but living in the arid desert has given me many, many amazing hair days.

Well, see, I think that's fine. As long as myself and my clothes are clean, I'm good-to-go. I look at smartly dressed men and women and feel sort of inadequate, but then, I don't really want to fuss with all that everyday. I'm a child of the 90's and grew up on the beach, so I guess it is acceptable. I dread ever

I love January Jones because of this persona everyone always shit-talks. I also am very defensive of Betty. I can sympathize because I know I am a bitch, but not THAT much. Standoffish I am, smile for you I won't unless I feel like it. If you don't like it, oh well, la-dee-dah, tootle-oo. Also, Betty Draper Francis