
I just want you both to know that I find this tiff between you two very entertaining. I am rapt.

I keep hearing about "code switching" on npr. Like it's this amazing new thing. I hate the world sometimes, for it's hyper-attention to tiny, silly things. I am complicit in this, I shant deny it. But it still annoys me.

I never read any of those. All I know of them are from mentions on this very site. I am a child of the 80s/90s, but that stuff never interested me. Though the book covers are exceptionally reminiscent of certain aspects of those times.

I was JUST pondering this problem. I myself am a total slob. I have a very distinct personal style, but it's a uniform that involves shorts, vans, t-shirts or tank tops. My hair is extremely long and wavy and is either down to my ass or rolled up in a bun held in place with a pencil (because I lose hairclips

Ha! Totally. I see it. Good job.

It's okay, neither do most of us. I myself just got to up refill my coffee and thought "derrrr", so... yeah. Smart people are wonderful and I love when they get attention. So much better than what constitutes the majority of media fodder.

lmfao @ the guy furiously fiddling with his flag. Crimminies.

Humanity shumanity.

YES! And it is totally fucking rude! Personally, I'm kind of amazed at the amount of comments explaining this shitty behavior away. Like, "Oh, poor guy, blah blah blah". smh

Wow... so many comments about people being grossed out by completely natural things. Hang-up City.

But nothing beats the Breaking bad Downton Abbey mashup. That was MORE fun.

I pretty much agree, but imo, this redeemed him ever so slightly. I thought it was fun.

I'm with you 100%. Cute video and all, but animal hair in bed is... hell NO. I'm at my mom's, and she has 3 fucking dogs and 2 cats. Needless to say, it isn't helping my sanity levels, what with all the hairs everywheres. Probably my main problem with pets. And noise. And piss and caca. Basically, I don't want them

I'm not diabetic, but haven't been able to smoke weed very often since 2002, after my son was born. I used to smoke that shit every day. I don't know what the hell happened to me, but I began to have severe anxiety post-child. I stopped having anxiety attacks, magically (no idea why!) about two years ago, but I still


This bums me out. I wish I was a stoner, and not a pill popper. I am very thin as a result of the appetite suppressant powers opiates have (for moi, anyway), but they also give me energy to zoom about and get shit done, so I have muskulls. BUT, here I am, after a bit too long of a binge, and I have been spending any

You're joking, right?

I'm about to do just this. Strueth.

Yeah. After reading that book "Unbroken" about Louie Zamperini I thought shit rarely gets worse. This being one of those "rarely" things. Although, in my heart of hearts, I know the exact same thing is going on right now, somewhere in the world, as I type this. Beyond depressing.

Well, the weirdos at Spearhead and AVFM feel sorry for him.