You can still trust the internet.
You can still trust the internet.
Hey, to be fair some of them were wearing paint.
Nice to see they found a traffic fix.
Hmm... I can be that way too, but it depends on what I'm gonna do. If it involves hanging out with new or a lot of people normally I need to know before to get ready for it. When it's my circle or friends and its something like "hey! lets go get some tacos!" I can be ok with that. Who doesn't love spontaneous tacos?
Yeah, I agree 100%.
I really liked the Myers-Briggs test because it did not seem like one of those tests where they give you some kind of general description of your personality that would be the same for 80% of the population. It really went in-depth and covered parts of my personality that I did not even really understand or think…
I find that is true for me as well. Also I need time after long periods of social situations to be alone and just think things through and relax. I find being a student at college a lot of my friends I live right next to want to hang out all the time and I just can't do that even with people I like. I find that if I…
Wow, I had never heard of this before. That explains a lot.
I honestly have no idea.
I found this picture that I believe best demonstrates the atrocity's committed by this evil menace to world peace.
What a great article. Sid is an amazing game designer and I really hope he continues to do what he does.
that's what I thought too.
Wow, I had heard the name before but I did not know who he was really. Looked him up... JEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZ he has done a butt-ton of voice acting. I feel like I should have known about him
I really enjoyed AP. I had never even heard of it when it came out and picked it in a steam sale for about 2.50$. I could definitely see the faults with the game, but I was still having a heck of a lot of fun playing it. I liked the writing and wacky characters (Stephen Heck is amazing.)
I Still want to one day play a Civ V game on huge map on marathon mode. One day...
I want Age of Mythology 2 :(
Yeah, for small purchases I don't mind it, but when it comes to 40/50/60$ games I feel like I'm getting ripped off I don't get the 2.50$ worth of plastic and paper from them :P
:( That sucks.
I love the Amazon release-day shipping for this. They have been a great enabler for my addiction to physical game boxes.