As a 20 year old who has had acne since 5th grade I will look into this.
As a 20 year old who has had acne since 5th grade I will look into this.
Yeah, I feel that way deep down whenever I see it too.
Yeah this has been only looking better and better the more he works on it.
It's gonna take him a little bit to respond. Poor reception under a bridge.
I agree. That is my ruling. NOW BRING IN THE DANCING LOBSTERS!
Oh Amanda...
Good news for you sir. I am.
That presentation made me wet.
The way they smile reminds me of a nice innocent suburban family.
Yeah me too
love sen-sen's. I used to bring them into high school about 4 years ago and everyone that tried them HATED them. haha, they told me it tasted like soap to them.
Yeah, It's on my list. Out of curiosity, is the co-op different from the main game at all or is it just the same?
Yeah, I do want to play it. Some parts of it looked very fun.
I really enjoyed Saints Row 1, and liked 2. I bought 3 in a steam sale and have yet to play it though. From what I have seen I'm not sure how much I would enjoy it. I feel like SR1 & 2 more so, had its goofy moments and gags but that was not the whole point of the game, which seems to be the case for SR3.
Yeah, I'm not big into shooters and I find that the PS3 exclusives are more my thing. Also I grew up with PS1 & 2 but when 3 came out at 600$ I decided to wait a little. I really like the system though, glad I got it.
Overall I'm pretty happy with my PS3. I picked it up during the cyber Monday sales on Amazon and so far I have really enjoyed the Uncharted series, Heavy Rain, Ni No Kuni, some Beautiful Katamari, and Tales of Graces f (have not beaten that one yet though.)
Ah, ok. Thanks!
Is it one of those deals like Kickstarter where it costs more because you get access to the alpha, or is it like Minecraft where you get the discount because its in alpha?
The more people that see this the more of a chance that some nut will send him a ricin-tainted letter. I know your out there ricin-nut.