
Overall I'm pretty happy with my PS3. I picked it up during the cyber Monday sales on Amazon and so far I have really enjoyed the Uncharted series, Heavy Rain, Ni No Kuni, some Beautiful Katamari, and Tales of Graces f (have not beaten that one yet though.)

The world-changing discovery in the game is a virtual memory digitization technology called Sensen

Ah, ok. Thanks!

Is it one of those deals like Kickstarter where it costs more because you get access to the alpha, or is it like Minecraft where you get the discount because its in alpha?

The more people that see this the more of a chance that some nut will send him a ricin-tainted letter. I know your out there ricin-nut.

Yeah... well uh... I had sex with your wife last night Joe.

I normally shell a ton of pistachios before I eat them. This does not make me eat them any slower, perhaps even faster since I end up jamming them all into my mouth at once.

Thanks EA?

I agree with you 100% on this, even if I find myself guilty of this at times. I picked up Alpha Protocol in a steam sale and really enjoyed it. I knew going in that it was no masterpiece, but for entertaining me for 10 or so hours it did the job.

I think the same happened with me and my friends except it was the other way around. I had not played it before so when it came to us playing it they got tired of it about half way though.

As I am reading your comment and everyone else that followed I can't help but hear it in his voice.

Nope never played any of them.

Monopoly kind of sucks as a board game

That game got so hard, I would always get past the town where the girl was murdered and then get stuck. I was bad.

I need this now.

I fucking loved that game. And there was a Metropolismania 2 that I saw, never got the chance to play it though :(

Rule 34 of it, just in case you were wondering.

I can't understand buying a child a real gun. Get them a BB gun, and air-soft gun, or a freaking paintball gun...