
Healthy attitude. Wise aesthetic.

You know, good for him. 

If I want a diverse and vulgar queer teen romance / comedy with selfish and violent characters who learn to be slightly less selfish I’ll just watch Bottoms again, because that movie was aiming for the exact same thing Velma was and actually nailed it.

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

I mean, he can say he has no real-world talents, but I think it’s safe to say at this point that he’s a pretty talented comic writer and performer.

Now playing

I remember distinctly the clip that got me into Conan. I was born in the mid 90s and was unfamiliar with his work growing up apart from some appreciation for him being a part of the simpsons. But in college I came across his trip to the American Girl doll store and it remains one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

It is still mind-boggling to me how well-written Ted Faro is who does such spectacularly destructive and selfish things as a villain and yet at no point even comes close to seeming like a caricature or moustache-twirling. The scariest thing about him is how he feels very, very plausible and real.

saying she was merely “asking questions”

I don’t think Disney’s looking for an apology, Gina.

I believe you’ll find this to be a pretty common sentiment among the fandom. Zero Dawn set such a high bar with the central mystery and the way it unfolded (one of my personal favorite gaming experiences) that, lacking that intrigue, it’s hard for a sequel to live up to.

It isn’t meant to make sense. It’s a meme stock, and a SPAC on top of it. Meme stocks have a cycle that always ends in tears. And SPACs always fail, because they’re used by companies that don’t have the product or the revenue or the structure (or, usually, all of those things) to go public otherwise.

“Person who insists on individual freedoms and choices objects to someone else’s individual freedom and choice.”

There’s a weird conservative tendency to think they are being attacked by simply being in a presence of someone who they assume has more liberal values than they do.

I am really, REALLY curious how someone else wearing a mask affects him.

I mean no offense to anyone, it’s just that I’m a special kind of asshole who thinks he’s better than other people.”

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

I’m just going to assume, for the sake of not bashing my head against a wall, that you aren’t saying we should hate Anne Hathaway because you found an episode of Between Two Ferns she was on “cringe.”

The weird thing to me is that if you’d told me a bunch of weirdos on social media had decided they hate Anne Hathaway, I would’ve assumed the haters were Very Online straight dudes who resented the fact that she rose to fame in films like The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada that didn’t cater to the male

my best recollection of the situation is that we woke up one day and were supposed to hate her. not sure why.

Yeah, it was weird. Like at first, she was the actress from the princess movies I was never going to care about, then she did Havoc which I remember the backlash being that she was being a try-hard about not wanting to be stuck in Disneyesque roles by doing something “edgy” (it was a terrible movie but beyond her