
Or it might be that a lot of those critics just didn’t like the movie as it was. I’ve watched and read some of those negative reviews and this seems like stretching bad faith arguments to a limit, unless it literally for you means disliking a movie you liked.

Meanwhile “Five Nights at Freddy’s” has a Rotten Tomatoes critic score of 30 % and and audience score of 87 %.

While I agree that there is a lot of questionable treatment of black in this industry, I also find this level of ignoring about all the noise coming from the Marvels production befuddling.

Oh, completely true. And those same peeps would be happy to ignore what was the largest movie of this year by a wide margin.

Not only do I really feel for DeCosta here, I am already a little bit anxious about the performance of this movie as that tracking looks back. Why this makes me nervous isn’t because I’m somehow invested in the movie, actually don’t really care for it at all despite liking the show, but because I feel this will be a

Somehow I completely missed that the run time was that short. And while I agree with DeCosta here that not every movie needs to be that long, considering all the moving parts this particular film set up in its trailer alone, that run time feels... Well, it’s not an encouraging sign.

Sounds like a good decision, although couldn’t you argue they’ve already had shows where that applied? I mean Moon Knight was pretty separate from anything continuity related.

This is a weird one. I mean, I am currently giving credence to Breslin due to the general cost of making these kinds of allegations to begin with, but at the same time I can’t ever recall hearing stuff like this regarding Eckhart. Doesn’t mean it is true, plenty of big names have been revealed to be like this behind

Damn, apparently the Hawkeye show managed to kill my interest in the character to the degree that even after watching this absolutely amazing, I still have zero interest in the show itself. 

Except you are misunderstanding the Andromeda development process a little bit. When they started Andromeda development, the plan for the longest time was to have procedurally created worlds and from the top they forced that vision on the development. However, they could never find a way to make it work and that

While all this is despicable, of course, there is something hilarious about DeWine’s argument that if Issue 1 is blocked, the Ohio government will suddenly now have a way to come up with a way that majority of Ohioans can support for two reasons.

While the show was low energy, I liked how they leaned on that aspect of Nate’s performance instead of trying to force the tone to be something different. This was another great example of how to mold the show around the host.

I actually thought about the Mass Effect games while reading this, although even beyond this example here.

It is really saying something that we can imagine Vin being the reasonable party in this exchange. Man, JCVD.

This is... Like what can you even say about this mess anymore?

This is at the moment just astonishing. Like I don’t have any respect for almost Republican involved in this and the current mess is the logical end result of their path over the past couple of decades, but I’m still stunned how badly they’ve managed to mess themselves up.

About a week ago, I read about Steve Bannon praising Matt Goetz during an interview as someone with so much political insight, explaining how after the midterm election Goetz had been on Bannon’s show how this result made them actually stronger in getting their will through.

I don’t even know at this point if it a major or a minor thing, but this all has to be building up to Loki meeting his mother again and being able to get that same resolution with her that Thor did, right? It just feels that that is one of the major guilt hammer’s employed against him, again in this episode, but it

And all of that goes back to how ultimately simplistic the CP2077 world is.

It’s difficult to put into words how much I agree with that latter statement. That for me was this challenge with the game, aside from how much I disliked the overall story writing, as it felt like it was so confident that it was saying something, but it just felt like a reflection from a shallow pool.