
Really torn as while I wasn’t looking forward to this movie at all, really liked the show and this trailer is a blast.

For me it’s not that I don’t trust Anita, or distrust her for that matter, it’s just that it is really difficult to get a hold over the storyline itself. It feels like something out of another show and has that bizarre Della cheating on someone we only saw for the first time this season getting angry at Della about

Milligan’s expression when Burger warned him about Perry’s craftiness cracked me up so hard. I actually admire how utterly loathsome the character comes across with such little time.

I can’t figure out if naming that character Zava is brilliant or unimaginative. I mean it didn’t take the name to figure out who this character was based on, now did it?

I think I saw somewhere mentioned that the Destroy ending is treated as the canon ending there. Which is understandable as the other two really complicate things even further.

I’m a little bit different as I actually really liked the ME:Trilogy ending and actually respect ME3 for not going for a conventional happy ending. However, the difference there for me is that the Trilogy resolved the story while Andromeda doesn’t get that chance.

As a bit of a different approach, and hopefully not a derailing comment, I am really glad that Dragon Age 2 isn’t on the list. Not because I think it is a bad game that needs defending, but rather because this is to me a signal how far the discussion around that game has come and how it can now be discussed as an

As has been brought up by multiple comments, Andromeda is such a conflicting experience for me as well. Like I don’t think it is a ‘good’ game, at least I wouldn’t recommend it full-heartedly to others, as it has meaningless bloat, weird moments of disconnect and just a messy combat system that oversimplifies

This is the reason I couldn’t do the replay myself. I started it, but then remembered the numerous plot points it left for future editions and just couldn’t go through it all knowing that those would never get resolved.

Yeah, that one really staggered me as well when it came up on the list. It didn’t help that it includes bizarre takes as reasons why people naturally hate it, for example that apparently now Max is an unlikable character (?), and offering Before the Storm as some kind of a widely accepted masterpiece. Which it sure as

Yeah, it’s such a weird dynamic at the moment. As I mention in the comment, making things worse is that it’s not like the Della/Hazel romance was that mesmerizing during the first season. So it’s just this weird weigh there which I don’t understand they are dragging.

Damn, but thank you for the IMDB info even if feeling dumb after it. Must have been my need for additional levels of conspiracy.

I have to confirm this as I rewound a couple of times and still wasn’t certain.

I absolutely both that this episode took that time to allow the characters to breath and be in their lives while also introducing that great element that the brothers may actually be guilty. Doing that not only this early in the season while also making the circumstances heavily implicate them makes it a great

While I would absolutely love that spinoff movie focusing on Caine and Akira, I have to correct the article that Akira’s father wasn’t a member of the High Table. He was the manager of the Continental, which is a different thing, even if prestigous on its own right.

Going for a probably unpopular take, but it is ridiculous that Alex Morgan is that high on the list. Yes, I know the amount of goals she has scored for San Diego Wave, but I’ve also seen her international play over the last couple of years. She’s not even the best US women’s player.

I’m also one of those who have difficulties believing this is due to the coming DCEU reboot as that just makes a huge assumption about the larger movie going audience.

While I do think the last episode was completely necessary for the beats of this episode, this episode reminded me what was so great about the first season. We often have these shows be about people fighting their inner darkness while the central aspect of our three main characters is that they are all decent people

By the way on Mikey Day, and I realize this is solely due to the characters Day usually plays, but man was I shocked how solid he looks without a shirt on. I had to take a double take that was that actually him.

Not only was that a really good episode, despite the clumsy start, it’s been a while I’ve laughed as hard as I did during the Waffle House sketch. Like that was near perfection.