
Glad that it is getting a second season as I like the first season and thought the setup at the end was intriguing, but I also hope they learn from certain issues in the first season as I thought it was at times disjointed. Like there were a lot of storylines, but they never managed to find that smooth connection.

Make that money, Top Gun, soar to those highs.

Man, I cannot get over how bad that trailer looked. Like Jesus Christ. Even for a CW!DC show that was next level.

Just to confirm, if Ezra Bridger was going to be on that show, wouldn’t it also mean that Thrawn would also most likely be a part of it? Question partially because I was recently thinking on how weird it is we haven’t seen any live action take on that character yet, even with acknowledgment on what happened to him in

They sure do talk a lot about character arcs and plot points while not showing any real extended story focused footage.

Believe it or not, I actually did think of that and that is why I added the follow that ship point there. Regardless if Reva wants to bring Kenobi in herself or not, she needs Imperial resources to do it. Like the money she’s throwing around isn’t because she is some wealthy heiress, at least I’m assuming so. It’s

Oh, I didn’t have a problem with Kenobi’s incompetence. That’s not the stupidity I was referencing to here. Even with the action sequences I think there would have been a great story told about him hesitating too much, but the execution was so bad that I couldn’t figure out if they intended as a story beat or not as

While there were numerous idiotics plotbeats in the second episode, there were two in particular I want to highlight as they had me howling in laughter.

I had the opposite reaction to the reviewer, which is naturally subjective tastes being wthat they are, in that I absolutely loved the first episode, but the second episode was staggeringly stupid and really hard to get through. Like that second episode was Boba Fett level bad for me.

Somehow the fact that even Tucker Carlson is going WTH about the situation kind of says more than almost anything else. Like if that dude can’t find to spin this situation to favor the police, I don’t know who can.

It’s not Jezebel, I’ve seen other progressive take sites trot out similar sentiments and I keep just staring them in disbelief.

Willow is one of those weird movies in that I can admit that objectively its deeply flawed and probably not that good. It basically jumps around from scene to scene and doesn’t really have anything close to a coherent narrative flow. Having written that, Jesus Christ I still love it with all my heart and was instantly

To be honest, I thought Connelly did a really great job with a character that didn’t necessary have that much going for it on paper.

Hell, even if they follow the story and characters from the game, I think it has a flow that’s actually really effective to transfer to screen. This has actually been really puzzling to me as Horizon is probably one the most straight-forward gaming epics to transfer to the small screen and I write that as someone

I didn’t mean it as a negative, but rather that despite being so dark, it still managed to feel so vivid a city.

I absolutely loved the Gotham City of this movie and excellent job from all involved. It was weird as while it was really dark, it had a life to it.

Just want to note that while it is true that Bachelor in Paradise did have that same sex proposal by Demi, that thing turned out so awkward so fast that it still makes me cringe to think about it. Not the proposal, but what took place after the show.

And I absolutely love how they paid off the constant ‘homages’ to Eminem. Like that thing was pitch perfect.

The way they not only setup Rachel Finnster, but kept coming back to her was just excellent. It is saying something that the guy who killed his grandparents didn’t have the darkest timeline there.

While it was really sweet for SNL to give such goodbyes to both McKinnon and Davidson, it did kind of make it stand out that Bryant or Mooney didn’t get a similar emotional moment. Not that it was required, but still. On the positive side, I didn’t expect Davidson to have such a touching farewell, although writing