
Yeah, the thing I can’t get with the story is that they had to have known they got six episodes as that is the norm, at least before She-Hulk comes out. So not to write for that is just not good.

The treatment of the third personality continues to be the most perplexing part of the show for me. I realize I’ve hit this point a lot, but I just can’t make sense of it and the delightful introduction of Jake here just hammered it home. I loved the little tweaks we saw here and Isaac was awesome, but it was also

Completely agreed on both parts.

I’ve mentioned this in the comments of the previous episodes, but man I cannot praise enough the work done by Isaac and Hawke in this show. Like those were without a doubt the strongest acting performances in a MCU show so far and are pretty high there for MCU in general. I can see the WandaVision argument, but I feel

Man, that trailer was epic. It actually managed to get me invested in watching this show despite initially thinking about skipping it.

While naturally, as always, opinions on these movies are based on subjective tastes, I’m personally completely in agreement with that review score. Like this movie was, for me, fucking painful to watch. Halway through I just kept waiting for it to end as I was somehow at the same time bored out of mind while also

I can’t stop laughing about the ‘That better be a licenced toy’ joke, even despite being pretty sure I’ve seen that scene before. It’s just always a delight when they find new jokes to make with Batman and that one’s golden.

There’s something I don’t actually get about the current SCOTUS decision here. Not striking down Roe vs Wade, that you could see coming, but something I do feel is at the core of Roberts’s concerns.

To me, it was genuinely astonishing to read some of the instant Twitter takes blaming this on the Democrats for this to be useless.

Sleeping Dogs is such an insane developmental tale that I wouldn’t believe it if someone tried spinning it in a story. Like I’d think that was satire going so far it no longer hit, but nope, that’s just Square Enix.

Also somehow I just got even more excited for the next Crystal Dynamics Lara Croft game.

Note, that while Tomb Raider was hugely lucrative for them as an IP, they still somehow weren’t satisfied with the results because they weren’t FIFA level. That company is just a mystery to me.

Square Enix is the big game publisher that I just don’t get. Like their decision making process has been so bizarre and their expectations on returns so insane that it just staggers the mind to read their stuff. So while this is such a weirdly cheap deal to get rid off those IPs considering their value, it is fitting

The most confusing aspect of these cancellations is that I can’t for the life of me understand how Riverdale got another season. I read this metrics analysis and you can actually see why they would cancel LoT and Batwoman, although it should be pointed out that almost none of the CW show is doing that well.

What always puzzled me the most about how convoluted it became was how unnecessary that was. It would be really fascinating to know the behind-the-scenes reasons for it as the damage it did was massive.

Not really that surprising, especially since they announced the development of the Bat!Kid show, but still feel for the fanbase of the show as I know there was a passionate one there.

Man, the more I think about this switch, the more excited I am about it.

I like this switch. Flangella is Flangella, so it’s not like you can match that level, but Greenwood has done some really good work and is a good fit for this character.

I can see this potentially being it, but it still doesn’t work for me as it wasn’t Marc and Steven making peace which results into the scales balancing, it was Steven unintentionally stumbling overboard, trying to run to the ship and being turned into sand in a pretty tragic sequence.